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player.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--Zun doors, if one, open both, key is Jade Inlaid Key local instance_requests = require("instance_requests"); local lockout_globals = { { "Tacvi_PXK", "Tacvi: Pixtt Xxeric Kex" }, { "Tacvi_PKK", "Tacvi: Pixtt Kretv Krakxt" }, { "Tacvi_PRT", "Tacvi: Pixtt Riel Tavas" }, { "Tacvi_ZMKP", "Tacvi: Zun`Muram Kvxe Pirik" }, { "Tacvi_ZMSB", "Tacvi: Zun`Muram Shaldn Boc" }, { "Tacvi_ZMMD", "Tacvi: Zun`Muram Mordl Delt" }, { "Tacvi_ZMYV", "Tacvi: Zun`Muram Yihst Vor" }, { "Tacvi_TMCV", "Tacvi: Tunat`Muram Cuu Vauax" } } --- -- @param Client#event_click_door e function event_click_door(e) local door_id = e.door:GetDoorID(); local entity_list = eq.get_entity_list(); if (door_id == 55) then --Bloodfeaster if (eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(297082)) then eq.signal(297082,1); --signal Bloodfeaster to initiate sequence end elseif (door_id == 25 or door_id == 23) then local instance_id = eq.get_instance_id("tacvi",0); if (instance_id > 0) then e.self:MovePCInstance(298, instance_id, 4.00, 9.00, -6.87, 376); -- Zone: precipiceofwar else e.self:Message(13, "You are not a part of an instance!"); end elseif (( door_id == 10 or door_id == 21 ) ) then if (door_id == 10 and e.self:HasItem(17288)) then entity_list:FindDoor(21):ForceOpen(e.self); elseif (door_id == 21 and e.self:HasItem(17288)) then entity_list:FindDoor(10):ForceOpen(e.self); end if ( e.self:GetInventory():HasItem(17288, 1, 32) == Slot.Cursor) then if (eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(297150) == false) then local request = instance_requests.ValidateRequest('raid', "tacvi", 0, 6, 54, 65, nil, nil, e.self, lockout_globals); if (request.valid) then local instance_id = eq.create_instance("tacvi", 0, 21600); eq.set_global(instance_id.."_tacvi_bit",tostring(request.flags),7,"H6"); eq.assign_raid_to_instance(instance_id); e.self:Message(13, "Added to instance."); end end end end end function event_enter_zone(e) if ( e.self:GetBindZoneID() == 297 ) then e.self:Message(1, "Illegal Bind!") e.self:MovePC(69,840,70,0,0) end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022