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champ.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--immune arena mobs a_mastruq_gladiator (297038) a_noc_brawler (297033) a_ra`tuk_bruiser (297036) -- killable arena mobs: aggro radius ~ 10 a_mastruq_gladiator (297040) a_noc_brawler (297035) a_ra`tuk_bruiser (297037) -- Champ_Event (297001) local event_triggered = 0; function ChampEvent_Spawn(e) event_triggered = 0; eq.set_timer("spawnevent", 3 * 1000); eq.spawn_condition("txevu", 0, 6, 0); --off arena trash end function ChampEvent_Timer(e) if (e.timer == "spawnevent") then event_triggered = 0; eq.stop_timer("spawnevent"); local ex = e.self:GetX(); local ey = e.self:GetY(); local ez = e.self:GetZ(); eq.set_proximity(ex - 30, ex + 30, ey - 30, ey + 30, ez - 1, ez + 20); -- immune arena mobs eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, -37, 10, -437, 258); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, -69, -97, -433, 112); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, -57, -95, -434, 392); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, 22, -51, -434, 14); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, 22, -39, -434, 258); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, 21, 49, -434, 374); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, 10, 48, -435, 120); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, 54, -98, -434, 30); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, 58, -90, -434, 266); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, 4, -112, -434, 330); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, -3, -120, -434, 76); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, 52, 137, -434, 162); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, 62, 133, -434, 404); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, -20, 111, -434, 444); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, -28, 119, -434, 190); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, -84, 145, -434, 297); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297038,297033,297036), 0, 0, -92, 133, -434, 76); eq.unique_spawn(297034, 0, 0, -39, -8, -434, 64); --#Mastruq_Champion (297034) end end function ChampEvent_Enter(e) if (event_triggered == 0) then event_triggered = 1; eq.signal(297034,1); --signal mastruq champion to begin emoting eq.local_emote({e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ()}, 0, 200,"As you step into the room, all combat stops and every eye turns to you. The champion in the center finishes his opponent and yells 'HOLD!' stopping the Muramites before they can charge."); end end function ChampEvent_Signal(e) if (e.signal == 1) then eq.set_timer("spawnevent", 1800 * 1000); -- 30 minutes to respawn the event elseif (e.signal == 2) then eq.set_timer("spawnevent", 60 * 1000); -- 1 minutes to respawn the event from runt failure end end function MastruqChampion_Signal(e) if (e.signal == 1) then e.self:MoveTo(0, 0, -430, 130,true); eq.set_timer("emote1", 3 * 1000); elseif (e.signal == 2) then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(25, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(35, 0); elseif (e.signal == 3) then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(25, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(35, 0); e.self:Say("I told ya we don't take kindly to cheaters! Boys, kill these fools starting with the one who broke the rules!"); end end function MastruqChampion_Timer(e) if (e.timer == "emote1") then eq.stop_timer("emote1"); e.self:Say("Look what we have here, boys? One of them softies found its way into our pit. What is it that we do with softies again?"); eq.set_timer("emote2", 3 * 1000); elseif (e.timer == "emote2") then eq.stop_timer("emote2") eq.local_emote({e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ()}, 0, 100,"The cry goes up from the crowd, 'KILL THEM!"); eq.set_timer("emote3", 3 * 1000); elseif (e.timer == "emote3") then eq.stop_timer("emote3"); e.self:Say("Yeah! We kill them! But, this here's a combat pit and I've been thinkin..."); eq.set_timer("emote4", 3 * 1000); elseif (e.timer == "emote4") then eq.stop_timer("emote4"); e.self:Say("Them softies always travel in big packs, but I bet they're real weak by themselves."); eq.set_timer("emote5", 3 * 1000); elseif (e.timer == "emote5") then eq.stop_timer("emote5"); eq.local_emote({e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ()}, 0, 100,"A mix of cheers and laughter comes out of the gathering crowd."); eq.set_timer("emote6", 3 * 1000); elseif (e.timer == "emote6") then eq.stop_timer("emote6"); e.self:Say("They probably crumble like a rag doll the first time they go toe-to-toe with a real warrior."); eq.set_timer("emote7", 3 * 1000); elseif (e.timer == "emote7") then eq.stop_timer("emote7"); e.self:Say("I bet this one here can't even take the runt!"); eq.set_timer("emote8", 3 * 1000); elseif (e.timer == "emote8") then eq.stop_timer("emote8"); eq.local_emote({e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ()}, 0, 100,"The crowd bursts into jeers as a wretched creature pulls itself out of the pond and cowers before the champion."); eq.unique_spawn(297209,0,0,-50,0,-438,132); -- The Runt eq.set_timer("emote9", 3 * 1000); elseif (e.timer == "emote9") then eq.stop_timer("emote9"); e.self:Say("Go on, show us what you're made of! Just you and the runt. No pets, no friends, no healing, no nuttin! You win and you can walk away with your head still on your shoulder. But I warn you, we don't take kindly to cheaters."); elseif(e.timer=="OOBcheck") then eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); if (e.self:GetX() > 96 or e.self:GetX() < -120 or e.self:GetY() < -190 or e.self:GetY() > 190) then e.self:CastSpell(3791,e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Ocean's Cleansing e.self:GMMove(8, 0, -436, 254); e.self:WipeHateList(); else eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 6 * 1000); end end end function IxtHsek_Combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_next_hp_event(90); eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 6 * 1000); if(not eq.is_paused_timer("depop")) then eq.pause_timer("depop"); end else eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); eq.resume_timer("depop"); end end function IxtHsek_HP(e) local npc_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCList(); for npc in npc_list.entries do if (npc.valid and (npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 297035 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 297037 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 297040)) then npc:AddToHateList(e.self:GetHateRandom(),1); e.self:Say("Don't just stand there you fools! Come help me kill them!"); end end end function MastruqChampion_Combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_next_hp_event(15); eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 6 * 1000); else eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); end end function MastruqChampion_HP(e) local npc_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCList(); for npc in npc_list.entries do if (npc.valid and (npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 297211)) then npc:AddToHateList(e.self:GetHateRandom(),1); e.self:Say("Ugh. These fools are stronger than they look. Hsek, come help me with them!"); -- add #Ixt_Hsek_Syat (297211) to hate list --should he emote? end end end --mastruq mods function MastruqChampion_Spawn(e) e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(0, -25); -- 1h blunt e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(2, -25); -- 2h blunt e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(1, 25); -- 1h slashing e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(3, 25); -- 2h slashing e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(7, 25); -- archery end function TheRunt_Spawn(e) -- mods enthralled destroyer/noc bloodluster e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(0, 25); -- 1h blunt e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(2, 25); -- 2h blunt e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(1, -25); -- 1h slashing e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(3, -25); -- 2h slashing e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(7, -25); -- archery e.self:MoveTo(25, 0, -437, 130,true); eq.set_timer("depop", 600 * 1000); -- 10 min reset if runt isnt killed local hate_list; end function TheRunt_Combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_timer("checklist", 1 * 1000); eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 6 * 1000); else eq.stop_timer("checklist"); eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); end end function TheRunt_Timer(e) if (e.timer == "checklist") then hate_list = e.self:CountHateList(); if (hate_list ~= nil and tonumber(hate_list) > 1) then eq.stop_timer("checklist"); -- wake up arena mobs eq.signal(297038,1); eq.signal(297033,1); eq.signal(297036,1); -- champion also wakes up and attacks eq.signal(297034,3); -- signal #Mastruq_Champion (297034) to remove immunities -- add arena mobs to hate list local npc_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCList(); for npc in npc_list.entries do if (npc.valid and (npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 297038 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 297033 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 297036 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 297034)) then npc:AddToHateList(e.self:GetHateRandom(),1); end end end elseif(e.timer=="OOBcheck") then eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); if (e.self:GetX() > 96 or e.self:GetX() < -120 or e.self:GetY() < -190 or e.self:GetY() > 190) then e.self:CastSpell(3791,e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Ocean's Cleansing e.self:GMMove(8, 0, -436, 254); e.self:WipeHateList(); else eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 6 * 1000); end elseif(e.timer=="depop") then eq.depop(297211); -- hsek eq.depop(297034); -- champ eq.depop_all(297038); -- arena mob eq.depop_all(297036); -- arena mob eq.depop_all(297033); -- arena mob eq.depop_all(297035); -- arena mob eq.depop_all(297037); -- arena mob eq.depop_all(297040); -- arena mob eq.signal(297001,2); --signal champ_event to begin timer to respawn event eq.depop_all(297209); -- the runt end end function TheRunt_Death(e) -- signal arena mobs to path out eq.signal(297038,2); eq.signal(297033,2); eq.signal(297036,2); eq.unique_spawn(297211,0,0,-93,121,-435,194); -- #Ixt_Hsek_Syat eq.signal(297034,2); -- signal #Mastruq_Champion (297034) to remove immunities eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297040,297035,297037), 0, 0, -37, 10, -437, 258); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297040,297035,297037), 0, 0, -69, -97, -433, 112); eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(297040,297035,297037), 0, 0, -57, -95, -434, 392); end function ArenaMobs_Signal(e) if (e.signal == 1) then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(25, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(35, 0); eq.stop_timer("animation"); elseif (e.signal == 2) then eq.start(77); -- start the grid (one way depop) end end function ArenaMobs_Spawn(e) eq.set_timer("animation", 10 * 1000); end function ArenaMobs_Timer(e) if (e.timer == "animation") then e.self:DoAnim(eq.ChooseRandom(1,2,5,6,8,84,85)); elseif(e.timer=="OOBcheck") then eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); if (e.self:GetX() > 96 or e.self:GetX() < -120 or e.self:GetY() < -190 or e.self:GetY() > 190) then e.self:CastSpell(3791,e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Ocean's Cleansing e.self:GMMove(8, 0, -436, 254); e.self:WipeHateList(); else eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 6 * 1000); end end end function KillableArena_Combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 6 * 1000); else eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); end end function KillableArena_Timer(e) if(e.timer=="OOBcheck") then eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); if (e.self:GetX() > 96 or e.self:GetX() < -120 or e.self:GetY() < -190 or e.self:GetY() > 190) then e.self:CastSpell(3791,e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Ocean's Cleansing e.self:GMMove(8, 0, -436, 254); e.self:WipeHateList(); else eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 6 * 1000); end end end function IxtHsek_Timer(e) if(e.timer=="OOBcheck") then eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); if (e.self:GetX() > 96 or e.self:GetX() < -120 or e.self:GetY() < -190 or e.self:GetY() > 190) then e.self:CastSpell(3791,e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Ocean's Cleansing e.self:GMMove(8, 0, -436, 254); e.self:WipeHateList(); else eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 6 * 1000); end elseif(e.timer=="depop") then eq.depop(297211); -- hsek eq.depop(297034); -- champ eq.depop_all(297038); -- arena mob eq.depop_all(297036); -- arena mob eq.depop_all(297033); -- arena mob eq.depop_all(297035); -- arena mob eq.depop_all(297037); -- arena mob eq.depop_all(297040); -- arena mob eq.signal(297001,1); --signal champ_event to begin timer to respawn event end end function IxtHsek_Spawn(e) eq.set_timer("depop", 1800 * 1000); e.self:MoveTo(25, 0, -437, 195,true); end function IxtHsek_Death(e) --ixt death controls respawn of event eq.depop_with_timer(297001); -- event is successful, initiate respawn eq.unique_spawn(297041,0,0,-108, -30, -439,385); --arena (297041) will turn on arena spawn condition in 1 hour end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.spawn, 297001, ChampEvent_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.enter, 297001, ChampEvent_Enter); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.timer, 297001, ChampEvent_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.signal, 297001, ChampEvent_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.timer, 297034, MastruqChampion_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.combat, 297034, MastruqChampion_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.signal, 297034, MastruqChampion_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.hp, 297034, MastruqChampion_HP); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.death_complete, 297034, MastruqChampion_Death); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.spawn, 297034, MastruqChampion_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.hp, 297211, IxtHsek_HP); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.combat, 297211, IxtHsek_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.timer, 297211, IxtHsek_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.spawn, 297211, IxtHsek_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.death_complete, 297211, IxtHsek_Death); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.combat, 297209, TheRunt_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.spawn, 297209, TheRunt_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.timer, 297209, TheRunt_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.death_complete, 297209, TheRunt_Death); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.spawn, 297038, ArenaMobs_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.timer, 297038, ArenaMobs_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.signal, 297038, ArenaMobs_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.spawn, 297033, ArenaMobs_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.timer, 297033, ArenaMobs_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.signal, 297033, ArenaMobs_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.spawn, 297036, ArenaMobs_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.timer, 297036, ArenaMobs_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.signal, 297036, ArenaMobs_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.combat, 297038, KillableArena_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.combat, 297033, KillableArena_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.combat, 297036, KillableArena_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.combat, 297035, KillableArena_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.timer, 297035, KillableArena_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.combat, 297037, KillableArena_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.timer, 297037, KillableArena_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.combat, 297040, KillableArena_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('champ', Event.timer, 297040, KillableArena_Timer); end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022