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mpg_efficiency.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- MPG Trial General Notes -- -- MPG Group Trial Bits: -- 1 MPG_fear -- 2 MPG_ingenuity -- 4 MPG_weaponry -- 8 MPG_subversion -- 16 MPG_efficiency -- 32 MPG_destruciton -- -- Lockout on Win: 72 hours -- Lockout on Loss: 2 hours -- -- Group Trial Version 1 of zone -- Raid Trial Version 2 of zone local instance_id; local this_bit = 16; local this_zone = 'chambersd'; local this_wave = 0; local lockout_win = 72; local lockout_loss = 2; local warnings; local minutes_remaining; local minutes_per_wave; local player_list; function Efficiency_Spawn(e) instance_id = eq.get_zone_instance_id(); player_list = eq.get_characters_in_instance(instance_id); minutes_remaining = 15; minutes_per_wave = 4; warnings = 0; this_wave = 0; eq.spawn_condition(this_zone, instance_id, 1, 0); end function check_debuff(m) local clients = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList(); for client in clients.entries do if (client.valid and not client:FindBuff(5708) and m:CalculateDistance(client:GetX(), client:GetY(), client:GetZ()) <= 500) then m:SendBeginCast(5708, 0); m:SpellFinished(5708, client:CastToMob()); end end end function Efficiency_Say(e) if (e.message:findi("hail")) then e.self:Say("'This is the Mastery of Efficiency trial. You must demonstrate your ability to function under less than perfect conditions, battling with limited resources. Are you ready to [" .. eq.say_link("begin", false, "begin") .. "]?"); elseif (e.message:findi("begin")) then local dz = eq.get_expedition() if dz.valid then dz:SetLocked(true, ExpeditionLockMessage.Begin, 14) -- live uses "Event Messages" type 365 (not in emu clients) end this_wave = 0; e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, 0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro_on, 0); e.self:Say("Very well! Let the battle commence!"); eq.set_timer("minutes", 1 * 60 * 1000); eq.set_timer("test_of_efficiency", 1500); -- this event checks for the debuff on a timer, 1.5 seconds shouldn't be too bad with only a max of 6 toons check_debuff(e.self); eq.set_timer("waves", 1000); eq.zone_emote(15, "You have " .. minutes_remaining .. " minutes remaining to complete your task."); elseif ( e.message:findi('end') and e.other:Admin() > 80) then eq.spawn_condition(this_zone, instance_id, 1, 0); eq.spawn_condition(this_zone, instance_id, 2, 0); eq.zone_emote(14, 'Resetting spawn conditions'); elseif ( e.message:findi("test") and e.other:Admin() > 80) then eq.signal( 307000, 1); -- NPC: Master_of_Efficiency end end function Efficiency_Timer(e) if (e.timer == "test_of_efficiency") then check_debuff(e.self); elseif (e.timer == "waves") then eq.stop_timer('waves'); eq.set_timer('waves', minutes_per_wave * 60 * 1000); local el = eq.get_entity_list(); -- If the wave mobs died from the previous wave -- continue spawning waves; otherwise fail. 307001, 307002, 307003 if (el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(307001) == false and el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(307002) == false and el:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(307003) == false) then this_wave = this_wave + 1; eq.spawn_condition(this_zone, instance_id, 1, 0); if (this_wave < 4) then eq.spawn_condition(this_zone, instance_id, 1, 1); else -- Spawn the Boss: Enforcer of Efficiency eq.spawn_condition(this_zone, instance_id, 2, 1); eq.stop_timer('waves'); end end elseif (e.timer == "minutes") then minutes_remaining = minutes_remaining - 1; -- If the minutes reach 0; then the Master of Efficiency has not died; -- otherwise we would have stopped the timer. if (minutes_remaining == 0) then eq.stop_all_timers(); eq.spawn_condition(this_zone, instance_id, 1, 0); eq.zone_emote(13, "You have been found unworthy."); eq.depop(); -- no lockout added on failure, the dz shuts down in 5 minutes local dz = eq.get_expedition() if dz.valid then dz:SetSecondsRemaining(eq.seconds("5m")) end else eq.zone_emote(15, "You have " .. minutes_remaining .. " minutes remaining to complete your task."); end end end function Efficiency_Signal(e) if (e.signal == 1) then eq.spawn_condition(this_zone, instance_id, 1, 0); eq.spawn_condition(this_zone, instance_id, 2, 0); eq.stop_all_timers(); eq.spawn2(307005, 0, 0, -212, 273, 71, 40); -- NPC: Shell_of_the_Master eq.depop(); local dz = eq.get_expedition() if dz.valid then dz:AddReplayLockout(eq.seconds("3d")) end local mpg_helper = require("mpg_helper"); mpg_helper.UpdateGroupTrialLockout(player_list, this_bit, nil); end end function Enforcer_Death(e) eq.signal(307000, 1); -- NPC: Master_of_Efficiency end function Chest_Spawn(e) local client_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList(); for v in client_list.entries do if (v:GetGlobal("cleric20_mpg_drop") == "1") then e.self:CastToNPC():AddItem(56016, 1); return end end end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event('mpg_efficiency', Event.spawn, 307000, Efficiency_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_efficiency', Event.say, 307000, Efficiency_Say); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_efficiency', Event.timer, 307000, Efficiency_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_efficiency', Event.signal, 307000, Efficiency_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_efficiency', Event.death_complete, 307004, Enforcer_Death); eq.register_npc_event('mpg_efficiency', Event.spawn, 307005, Chest_Spawn); end function event_encounter_unload(e) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022