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Trizpo_Tobbnokcog.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 4736, 4735, 4738, 4490, 3721, 4374, 4489, 4737, 3720, 4494, 4731, 4729, 4730, 3718, 4733, 4732, 4488, 3719, 4491, 4739, 4740, 5973, 3722, 4728, 4727, 4493, 3717 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Hi there. who are you? What are you doing here? Oh I'm one of Vornol's four apprentices. I specialize in the element of earth.'"); } if ($text=~/Gazoon sent me/i) { quest::say("Oh you've been to see Gazoon on his island. Yep he gave me some of his fancy finger waggler armor, are ya a wizard?"); } if ($text=~/wizard/i) { quest::say("Cool then you'll probably be wanting the [mask], [cloak], [gloves], [choker], [belt] and [staff] I have."); } if ($text=~/mask/i) { quest::say("For the mask you'll have to get me a meteor jewel, a mark of potential, and an iron tipped wand."); } if ($text=~/cloak/i) { quest::say("For the cloak you'll have to get me an astral jewel, a mark of temper, a vial of firewater, and some iced nectar."); } if ($text=~/gloves/i) { quest::say("For the gloves you'll have to get me a sun jewel, a mark of might, and a book of solutions."); } if ($text=~/choker/i) { quest::say("For the choker you'll have to get me a moon jewel, a mark of destruction, and a stick of mastery."); } if ($text=~/belt/i) { quest::say("For the belt you'll have to get me a star jewel, a mark of thaumaturgy, a loop of energy, and a small magnifying lens."); } if ($text=~/staff/i) { quest::say("For the staff you'll have to get me a cloud jewel, a mark of detonation, opaque glasses, and a pyro wand."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4736 => 1, 4735 => 1, 4738 => 1, 4490 => 1)) { #belt quest::summonitem(3721); # Item: Belt of Detonation quest::say("Ah! Now I can return to my studies!"); #made up quest::exp(75000); } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4374 => 1, 4489 => 1, 4737 => 1)) { #choker quest::summonitem(3720); # Item: Choker of Detonation } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4494 => 1, 4731 => 1, 4729 => 1, 4730 => 1)) { #cloak quest::summonitem(3718); # Item: Cloak of Detonation } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4733 => 1, 4732 => 1, 4488 => 1)) { #gloves quest::summonitem(3719); # Item: Gloves of Detonation } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4491 => 1, 4739 => 1, 4740 => 1, 5973 => 1)) { #staff quest::summonitem(3722); # Item: Staff of Detonation } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4728 => 1, 4727 => 1, 4493 => 1)) { #mask quest::summonitem(3717); # Item: Veil of Detonation } } #END of FILE Zone:twilight ID:170130 -- Trizpo_Tobbnokcog
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022