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Trallen_Grimhammer.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 4488, 5904, 5905, 3978, 4490, 5908, 5909, 5910, 3980, 4491, 5911, 5912, 3981, 4493, 5915, 5916, 5917, 3983, 4492, 5913, 5914, 3982, 4489, 5906, 5907, 3979, 4494, 5918, 5919, 5920, 3984 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Greetings and well met $name. Don't listen to ol' Latrag over there he'll never stop brewin' the best durn ale to be found."); } if($text=~/what boots/i){ quest::say("For the boots yer gonna have to get me a sun jewel. a mark of destiny. and a fleshy vine."); } if($text=~/what armor/i){ quest::say("Latrag is goin' on 'bout his armor again isn't he. Well friend be ye a paladin?"); } if($text=~/i am a paladin/i){ quest::say("Of course ya are $name. why would have ya asked me about the armor if ye wasn't eh. I have the [boots], [mask], [cloak], [gauntlets], [gorget], [girdle], and a [sword]. Which do ye want?"); } if($text=~/what mask/i){ quest::say("For the mask yer gonna have to get me a moon jewel. a mark of blessings. and some crystallized dew."); } if($text=~/what cloak/i){ quest::say("For the cloak yer gonna have to get me a star jewel. a mark of the steadfast. a lexicon of the sun. and some glade dew."); } if($text=~/what gauntlets/i){ quest::say("For the gauntlets yer gonna have to get me a cloud jewel. a mark of honor. and some naturally formed quartz."); } if($text=~/what gorget/i){ quest::say("For the gorget yer gonna have to get me a sky jewel. a mark of gallantry. and a lunar marked stone."); } if($text=~/what girdle/i){ quest::say("For the girdle yer gonna have to get me a meteor jewel. a mark of heart. a lexicon of the moon. and a dread leech eye."); } if($text=~/what sword/i){ quest::say("For the sword yer gonna have to get me an astral jewel. a mark of the noble. a hardened clay sculpture. and a runic ear plug."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { # Blessed Knight's Boots if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,4488 => 1, 5904 => 1,5905 => 1)){ # sun jewel, a mark of destiny, and a fleshy vine quest::summonitem(3978); # Blessed Knight's Boots } # Blessed Knight's Cloak if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4490 => 1,5908 => 1,5909 => 1,5910 => 1)){ # star jewel, a mark of the steadfast, a lexicon of the sun, and some glade dew quest::summonitem(3980); # Blessed Knight's Cloak } # Blessed Knight's Gauntles if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4491 => 1,5911 => 1,5912 => 1)){ # cloud jewel, a mark of honor, and some naturally formed quartz quest::summonitem(3981); # Blessed Knight's Gauntles } # Blessed Knight's Girdle if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4493 => 1,5915 => 1,5916 => 1,5917 => 1)){ # meteor jewel, a mark of heart, a lexicon of the moon, and a dread leech eye quest::summonitem(3983); # Blessed Knight's Girdle } # Blessed Knight's Gorget if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4492 => 1,5913 => 1,5914 => 1)){ # sky jewel, a mark of gallantry, and a lunar marked stone quest::summonitem(3982); # Blessed Knight's Gorget } # Blessed Knight's Mask if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4489 => 1,5906 => 1,5907 => 1)){ # moon jewel, a mark of blessings, and some crystallized dew quest::summonitem(3979); # Blessed Knight's Mask } # Blessed Knight's Defender if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4494 => 1,5918 => 1,5919 => 1,5920 => 1)){ # astral jewel, a mark of the noble, a hardened clay sculpture, and a runic ear plug quest::summonitem(3984); # Blessed Knight's Defender } } #END of FILE Zone:twilight ID:170108 -- Trallen_Grimhammer.pl
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022