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Rilla_Quickeyes.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 4489, 4961, 4962, 4992, 3762, 4490, 4993, 4994, 4995, 3763, 4491, 4996, 4997, 4998, 3764, 4492, 4999, 5000, 5068, 3765, 4493, 5069, 5079, 3766, 4494, 5089, 5094, 3767, 4488, 5095, 5096, 3768 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text =~ /Hail/i) { quest::say("OH HI! This is soooo boring, I wish I had something else to do."); } if($text =~ /armor/i) { quest::say("Oh you want me to make some armor? If you're a druid I could make you some."); } if($text =~ /I am a druid/i) { quest::say("can make you a cap, tunic, sleeves, leggings, mantle, bracer, and boots. If you want other druid armor you'll have to talk to Edgar."); } if($text =~ /cap/i) { quest::say("For the earth blessed cap you will have to go get me a moon jewel, a mark of the wild, a braided vine bracelet, and an aged dark wood shaft."); } if($text =~ /tunic/i) { quest::say("For the earth blessed tunic you will have to go get me a star jewel, a mark of nature, a primal earth rune, and a growth stone."); } if($text =~ /sleeves/i) { quest::say("For the earth blessed sleeves you will have to go get me a cloud jewel, a mark of vitality, an etched diamond of nature, and a storm filled vial."); } if($text =~ /leggings/i) { quest::say("For the earth blessed leggings you will have to go get me a sky jewel, a mark of life, an etched emerald of nature, and a sack of purified soil."); } if($text =~ /mantle/i) { quest::say("For the earth blessed mantle you will have to go get me a meteor jewel, a mark of regeneration, and an etched sapphire of nature."); } if($text =~ /bracer/i) { quest::say("For the earth blessed bracer you will have to go get me an astral jewel, a mark of growth, and an etched ruby of nature."); } if($text =~ /boots/i) { quest::say("For the earth blessed boots you will have to go get me a sun jewel, a mark of weather, and an etched star ruby of nature."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4489 => 1, 4961 => 1, 4962 => 1, 4992 => 1)) { #cap quest::summonitem(3762); # Item: Earth Blessed Cap quest::exp(10000); } if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4490 => 1, 4993 => 1, 4994 => 1, 4995 => 1)) { #tunic quest::summonitem(3763); # Item: Earth Blessed Tunic quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4491 => 1, 4996 => 1, 4997 => 1, 4998 => 1)) { #sleeves quest::summonitem(3764); # Item: Earth Blessed Sleeves quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4492 => 1, 4999 => 1, 5000 => 1, 5068 => 1)) { #leggings quest::summonitem(3765); # Item: Earth Blessed Leggings quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4493 => 1, 5069 => 1, 5079 => 1)) { #mantle quest::summonitem(3766); # Item: Earth Blessed Mantle quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4494 => 1, 5089 => 1, 5094 => 1)) { #bracer quest::summonitem(3767); # Item: Earth Blessed Bracer quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4488 => 1, 5095 => 1, 5096 => 1)) { #boots quest::summonitem(3768); # Item: Earth Blessed Boots quest::exp(10000); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022