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Lara_Trueseer.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 4494, 4675, 4676, 4677, 3697, 4488, 4678, 4679, 4680, 3698, 4489, 4681, 4682, 4683, 3699, 4490, 4684, 4685, 4686, 3700, 4491, 4687, 4688, 3701, 4492, 4689, 4690, 3702 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text =~ /Hail/i) { quest::say("Hey there!"); } if($text =~ /armor/i) { quest::emote("Lara Trueseer grimaces in pain. 'The visions are so strong they hurt...please make them stop..'"); } if($text =~ /I am an enchanter/i) { quest::say("Very good. I have a cap, robe, sleeves, pants, shawl, and bracer. My friend Xavier has the rest just ask him about armor. "); } if($text =~ /cap/i) { quest::say("For the cap I will need an astral jewel, a golden flower, a grail of enchantment, and a mark of beauty."); } if($text =~ /robe/i) { quest::say("For the robe I will need a sun jewel, the eye of the enraptured, a mark of affection, and a book of inspiration."); } if($text =~ /sleeves/i) { quest::say("For the sleeves I will need a moon jewel, a page of prose, a mark of reality, and a truncated ring."); } if($text =~ /pants/i) { quest::say("For the pants I will need a star jewel, a mark of passion, an adamantium quill, and pristine shik-nar claws."); } if($text =~ /shawl/i) { quest::say("For the shawl I will need a cloud jewel, a mark of understanding, and a hope emerald."); } if($text =~ /bracer/i) { quest::say("For the bracer I will need a sky jewel, a mark of elegance, and a hope sapphire."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4494 => 1, 4675 => 1, 4676 => 1, 4677 => 1)) { #cap quest::summonitem(3697); # Item: Cap of Enrapturement quest::exp(10000); } if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4488 => 1, 4678 => 1, 4679 => 1, 4680 => 1)) { #robe quest::summonitem(3698); # Item: Robe of Enrapturement quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4489 => 1, 4681 => 1, 4682 => 1, 4683 => 1)) { #sleeves quest::summonitem(3699); # Item: Sleeves of Enrapturement quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4490 => 1, 4684 => 1, 4685 => 1, 4686 => 1)) { #pants quest::summonitem(3700); # Item: Pants of Enrapturement quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4491 => 1, 4687 => 1, 4688 => 1)) { #shawl quest::summonitem(3701); # Item: Shawl of Enrapturement quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4492 => 1, 4689 => 1, 4690 => 1)) { #bracer quest::summonitem(3702); # Item: Bracer of Enrapturement quest::exp(10000); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022