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Bella_Stremi.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
########################################### # # DEVELOPER: KOVOU # # *** NPC INFORMATION *** # # NAME: Bella Stremi # ID: 170150 # ZONE: twilight # ############################################ # items: 4492, 4741, 4742, 4743, 3723, 4493, 4744, 4745, 4746, 3724, 4494, 4748, 4749, 4750, 3725, 4488, 4751, 4752, 4753, 3726, 4489, 4771, 4772, 3727, 4490, 4773, 4774, 3728, 4491, 4775, 4776, 3729 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text =~/hail/i) { quest::say("Ah hello and welcome $name. tis a pleasure to see some new faces. I have the finest wares to be found. be sure to check them out. Are ya by chance a [necromancer]"); } if($text =~ /necromancer/i) { quest::say("I have a cap, robes, sleeves, pants, shawl, bracer, and sandals for a necromancer. Frantip has the rest just ask him about armor and I'm sure he'll help you. Which are you interested in?"); } if($text =~ /cap/i) { quest::say("For the cap of pestilence you'll have to bring me a sky jewel, an aged gold coin, a dark gem, and a priceless book."); } if($text =~ /robe/i) { quest::say("For the robe of pestilence you'll have to bring me a meteor jewel, a miniature armband, a mark of fortune, and a sun wraith eye."); } if($text =~ /sleeves/i) { quest::say("For the sleeves of pestilence you'll have to bring me an astral jewel, a petrified totem, a frozen hailstone, and a glowing crystal."); } if($text =~ /pants/i) { quest::say("For the pants of pestilence you'll have to bring me a sun jewel, a divining rod, an aged platinum symbol, and a silver sign."); } if($text =~ /shawl/i) { quest::say("For the shawl of pestilence you'll have to bring me a moon jewel an ancient fossil, and some wrought iron shavings."); } if($text =~ /bracer/i) { quest::say("For the bracer of pestilence you'll have to bring me a star jewel, a granite idol, and an ancient silver coin."); } if($text =~ /sandals/i) { quest::say("For the sandals of pestilence you'll have to bring me a cloud jewel, a blackened ornament, and a snake scale sceptre."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4492 => 1, 4741 => 1, 4742 => 1, 4743 => 1)) { #cap quest::summonitem(3723); # Item: Cap of Pestilence quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4493 => 1, 4744 => 1, 4745 => 1, 4746 => 1)) { #robe quest::summonitem(3724); # Item: Robe of Pestilence quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4494 => 1, 4748 => 1, 4749 => 1, 4750 => 1)) { #sleeves quest::summonitem(3725); # Item: Sleeves of Pestilence quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4488 => 1, 4751 => 1, 4752 => 1, 4753 => 1)) { #pants quest::summonitem(3726); # Item: Pants of Pestilence quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4489 => 1, 4771 => 1, 4772 => 1)) { #shawl quest::summonitem(3727); # Item: Shawl of Pestilence quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4490 => 1, 4773 => 1, 4774 => 1)) { #bracer quest::summonitem(3728); # Item: Bracer of Pestilence quest::exp(10000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 4491 => 1, 4775 => 1, 4776 => 1)) { #sandals quest::summonitem(3729); # Item: Sandals of Pestilence quest::exp(10000); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022