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player.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_ENTERZONE { quest::movepc(189,18, -147, 19.6, 0); # Zone: tutorialb if(!defined $qglobals{tutbind} && $ulevel == 1) { quest::selfcast(2049); quest::setglobal("tutbind",1,1,"D30"); } if(!defined $qglobals{tutpop}) { quest::popup("Join the revolution!", "Welcome to the Revolt! You have been given two new quests:
Rally with Rahtiz:
If you are ready to begin fighting for the revolt, hail Guard Rahtiz and see where you are needed.
Basic Training:
If you would like more training on the finer points of Everquest, speak with Arias and he will direct you to other knowledgeable members of the slave revolt.
Click 'OK' to continue.
"); quest::assigntask(22); quest::assigntask(23); quest::setglobal("tutpop",1,1,"D30"); } if($ulevel > 15 && $status < 80) { $client->Message(15,"You are too high in level to be in this zone."); quest::selfcast(2433); } } sub EVENT_POPUPRESPONSE { ## color of "Additional Map Features may need adjusted at later time, I just browsed greens -Drogerin if ($popupid == 111) { quest::popup("Maps", "
Additional Map Features
If you want to show or hide the visibility of floors above or below your current position, you can toggle the
Height Filter
button. When this button is activated, locations and items below a distance specified in the \"Low\" field won't be drawn. Likewise, anything above the \"High\" distance won't be drawn.
To show or hide labels on the map, toggle the
If you are in a group and wish to find members of your group on the map, activate the
button. Group members will appear on the map as green
's."); } if ($popupid == 1) { quest::popup("Tradeskills", "
If the recipe you wish to create is not already in your list of known recipes, you can
When you have open the
window, click on the
button. This opens a new window labeled with the name of the tradeskill container in which you are experimenting -- Oven, in this case.
You can then place your ingredients intot he slots of the
window. For rat steaks, this requires the rat meat and the cooking sauce.
When the ingredients are in the oven, click the
button. The ingredients will be consumed, and you will have a cooked rat steak.
Click 'OK' to learn about recipes and skill levels.",2); } if ($popupid == 2) { quest::popup("Tradeskills", "
Some tradeskill recipes are more complicated than others, and require you to possess a higher tradeskill level in the tradeskill you are attempting to practice.
If your level is not high enough to attempt a particular recipes, you will likely fail the combine. When this happens, you will often lose some or all of the ingredients you used for the combine.
Click 'OK' to learn about different types of tradeskills.",3); } if ($popupid == 3) { quest::popup("Tradeskills", "
There are many different type of tradeskills that you can practice, including baking, pottery, fletching, blacksmithing, and weaving. You can create all manner of items using these skills.
To perform the various types of tradeskills, you must use the correct types of tradeskill containers. For example, to perform baking, you need an oven. Blacksmithing requires a forge. Pottery requires a kiln. Be on the lookout for different types of tradeskill containers located in the cities throughout Norrath."); } if ($popupid == 6) { quest::popup("Managing Hotbars", "
There are multiple ways to adjust and manage your
You switch which particular page of the hotbar you are on by using the up and down arrows on the right-side of the bar.
New Hotbars
You can add new Hotbars by using your
EQ Menu
button, selecting
a nd then choosing option
Click 'OK' to learn managing your Hotbars.
",7); } if ($popupid == 7) { quest::popup("Assigning Hotkeys", "
are abilities, actions, and macros th at can be activated with a simple click. There are multiple ways to customize your
using these buttons:
Drag and Drop
You can move and set
by holding down the left mouse button for a moment, and then dragging the icon to the
This is especially useful for dragging from your
Alternative Advancement,
Spell Gem
You can right-click an empty
slot and use
Assigning Social
to assign custom made actions. More about those will be presented in the next section.
Click 'OK' to learn about custom functions for your Hotbars.
",8); } if ($popupid == 8) { quest::popup("Custom Hotkeys", "
Dragging existing abilities and assigning default actions is only the first step. You can also create your own
! You can use your
menu to access the
Socials Page
Click 'OK' to learn about personalizing your Hotbars.
",9); } if ($popupid == 9) { quest::popup("Personalizing the Hotbar", "
You can personalize your
by using the extended right-click menu. Hold down the right mouse button over an existing
to see the options:
This uses the key as if you had left-clicked on it.
This removes the key.
Assign Icon
Select an icon you want from the entire library of Icons.
Clear Icon
This removes the custom icon.
Assign Label
This changes the text on the key.
Assign Social
This lets you put a custom ability created on the
Socials Page
into the
Change Size
This lets you resize and scale the entire
This lets you forget a memorized spell. Only works on spell gem
Click 'OK' to complete the tutorial on Hotbars.
"); quest::updatetaskactivity(290,1); } if ($popupid == 10) { quest::popup("Swimming", "
When underwater, your remaining air is shown in the
Air Remaining
window. If your air supply runs out, you will begin taking damage.
As your swimming skill increases, so will your air supply and swimming speed. The more time you spend in the water, the better swimmer you will become!"); } } sub EVENT_TASK_STAGE_COMPLETE { if ($task_id == 34) { quest::ze(15, "A cheer arises from the slaves as the last of the Kobold overseers fall."); } if ($task_id == 28 && $activity_id == 1) { $client->Message(0,"Vahlara bows as you return. 'Just in time. Many are wounded and more arrive by the hour. If you can find any Gloomingdeep silk, bring it to me and I can reward you with more burlap clothing. It's not much, but it's nicer than the rags these kobolds left us with.'"); } } sub EVENT_CLICKDOOR { my $d_id = ($doorid % 256); if($d_id == 11) { my $s_zone = $client->GetStartZone(); if($s_zone == 9) { quest::movepc(9,-60.9,-61.5,-24.9); # Zone: freportw } elsif($s_zone == 19) { quest::movepc(19,-98.4,11.5,3.1); # Zone: rivervale } elsif($s_zone == 24) { quest::movepc(24,-309.8,109.6,23.1); # Zone: erudnext } elsif($s_zone == 25) { quest::movepc(25,-965.3,2434.5,5.6); # Zone: nektulos } elsif($s_zone == 29) { quest::movepc(29,12.2,-32.9,3.1); # Zone: halas } elsif($s_zone == 40) { quest::movepc(40,156.9,-2.9,31.1); # Zone: neriaka } elsif($s_zone == 41) { quest::movepc(41,-499,2.9,-10.9); # Zone: neriakb } elsif($s_zone == 42) { quest::movepc(42,-968.9,891.9,-52.8); # Zone: neriakc } elsif($s_zone == 45) { quest::movepc(45,-343,189,-38.22); # Zone: qcat } elsif($s_zone == 49) { quest::movepc(49,520.1,235.4,59.1); # Zone: oggok } elsif($s_zone == 50) { quest::movepc(50,560,-2234,3); # Zone: rathemtn } elsif($s_zone == 52) { quest::movepc(52,1.1,14.5,3.1); # Zone: grobb } elsif($s_zone == 54) { quest::movepc(54,-197,27,-0.7); # Zone: gfaydark } elsif($s_zone == 55) { quest::movepc(55,7.6,489.0,-24.9); # Zone: akanon } elsif($s_zone == 61) { quest::movepc(61,26.3,14.9,3.1); # Zone: felwithea } elsif($s_zone == 68) { quest::movepc(68,-214.5,2940.1,0.1); # Zone: butcher } elsif($s_zone == 75) { quest::movepc(75,200,800,3.39); # Zone: paineel } elsif($s_zone == 106) { quest::movepc(106,-415.7,1276.6,3.1); # Zone: cabeast } elsif($s_zone == 155) { quest::movepc(155,105.6,-850.8,-190.4); # Zone: sharvahl } else { quest::movepc(202,-55,44,-158.81); # Zone: poknowledge } } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022