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Prathun_Stumblebum.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#zone: tutorialb #Revised Angelox sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i && quest::istaskactivityactive(22,5)) { quest::say("There are many members of the revolt that can aid you as you combat the kobolds. A new soldier like yourself won't last long without friends!"); quest::say("The trick to talking to other adventurers is to go through proper channels. No one likes a hothead who begs for coins by shouting at everyone in earshot. . . But if you ask nicely, you can get others to team up with you on your adventures."); quest::say("The dangers of combat and the adventuring lifestyle can sometimes bring out the worst in people. It's important to keep a cool head and only shout when absolutely necessary."); quest::say("Good luck out there, friend. I'm sure you'll do fine!"); quest::say("The command /shout will allow you to shout in a large radius. The command /ooc will allow you to talk out of character across the entire world. The /tell command is to allow you to talk to only one person without anyone else hearing it. The /say command lets you talk to others in your immediate area."); quest::updatetaskactivity(22,5); } elsif ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("There are many members of the revolt that can aid you as you combat the kobolds. A new soldier like yourself won't last long without friends!"); quest::say("The trick to talking to other adventurers is to go through proper channels. No one likes a hothead who begs for coins by shouting at everyone in earshot. . . But if you ask nicely, you can get others to team up with you on your adventures."); quest::say("The dangers of combat and the adventuring lifestyle can sometimes bring out the worst in people. It's important to keep a cool head and only shout when absolutely necessary."); quest::say("Good luck out there, friend. I'm sure you'll do fine!"); quest::say("The command /shout will allow you to shout in a large radius. The command /ooc will allow you to talk out of character across the entire world. The /tell command is to allow you to talk to only one person without anyone else hearing it. The /say command lets you talk to others in your immediate area."); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022