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38139.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#abandoned heretic pet # items: 13894, 10015, 10016, 10017, 10018 my $jobresponse; my $numresponse; my $askresponse; my $beenonjob; my $skelent; my $skelnpc; my $leftskelealive; my $eventstart; sub EVENT_SAY { if ($class eq "Druid") { if ($text=~/I am on the job/i && $askresponse==1 && $beenonjob) { if ($client->GetItemIDAt(quest::getinventoryslotid("primary")) == 62829) { quest::say("Well I'll be, a druid that wants to be a miner! Alright then, you keep at it. Don't break a nail or strain your delicate sensibilities!"); $jobresponse=1; } } } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 13894 => 1)){ quest::say("Good work, you should be running this operation instead of that Talrigar fellow. Have a small reward. A little bit of the gems I found while tunneling through this rock."); quest::summonitem(quest::ChooseRandom(10015,10016,10017,10018)); # Item(s): Malachite (10015), Lapis Lazuli (10016), Turquoise (10017), Hematite (10018) } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_ARRIVE { if ($wp == 5) { if ($eventstart==0) { quest::say("Speed up the digging my pets!!"); $skelent = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(38016); $skelnpc = $skelent->CastToNPC(); $skelnpc->SignalNPC(9); } else { quest::say("Who on Bertoxxulous' blistered backside are you? Where did those fools go off to?"); quest::settimer(1,5); $jobresponse=0; $askresponse=1; } } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer == 1) { quest::stoptimer(1); $askresponse=0; if ($jobresponse==1) { $numresponse=$numresponse+1; $jobresponse=0; } else { $numresponse=0; } #quest::say("nresponse $numresponse"); if ($numresponse >=3) { $start = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(38016); $moving = $start->CastToNPC(); $moving->SignalNPC(1); $eventstart=0; } } elsif ($timer == 2) { $eventstart=0; } elsif ($timer == "wallecho") { $beenonjob=0; } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { #signal from #wall_echo if ($signal == 1) { $beenonjob=1; #quest::say("someone has been on the job $beenonjob"); quest::settimer("wallecho",5); } elsif($signal == 5){ $jobresponse=0; $beenonjob=0; $numresponse=0; $askresponse=0; $leftskelealive=0; $skelent=0; $skelnpc=0; $eventstart=1; quest::settimer(2,1200); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022