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ghosts.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- on live only one player is required to trigger spawns but this may be era dependent (1 makes it harder to bypass) local trigger_player_count = 1 local ghosts = { 289035, -- an_arisen_beludu 289040, -- a_feeble_beludu_shade 290050 -- a_weeping_beludu_mother } local function get_random_ghost() return ghosts[math.random(#ghosts)] end local function spawn_ghosts() -- randomly spawns an_arisen_beludu, a_weeping_beludu_mother, or a_feeble_beludu_shade -- the mob that spawns after killing one of these is also randomly one of those three mobs local spawns = {} spawns[#spawns+1] = eq.spawn2(get_random_ghost(), 0, 0, -1391.0, 832.0, 396.0, 60.0) spawns[#spawns+1] = eq.spawn2(get_random_ghost(), 0, 0, -1358.0, 940.0, 394.0, 135.0) spawns[#spawns+1] = eq.spawn2(get_random_ghost(), 0, 0, -1310.0, 778.0, 396.0, 165.0) spawns[#spawns+1] = eq.spawn2(get_random_ghost(), 0, 0, -1290.0, 768.0, 396.0, 452.0) spawns[#spawns+1] = eq.spawn2(get_random_ghost(), 0, 0, -1310.0, 999.0, 396.0, 158.0) spawns[#spawns+1] = eq.spawn2(get_random_ghost(), 0, 0, -1254.0, 931.0, 394.0, 353.0) spawns[#spawns+1] = eq.spawn2(get_random_ghost(), 0, 0, -1215.0, 861.0, 396.0, 408.0) spawns[#spawns+1] = eq.spawn2(get_random_ghost(), 0, 0, -1292.0, 998.0, 396.0, 383.0) -- instead of using different mob type for spawned mobs, just set a flag on these for i=1,#spawns do if spawns[i].valid then spawns[i]:SetEntityVariable("spawn_on_death", "1") spawns[i]:CastToNPC():ModifyNPCStat("aggro", "150") -- aggro range on these is large -- 150ish spawns[i]:CastToNPC():ModifyNPCStat("see_invis_undead", tostring(math.random(0,1))) -- randomly see ivu end end end local function trigger_spawn(e) -- uses a timer instead of proximity event to make less predictive and behave like live eq.set_timer("check_proximity", 2000) end local function trigger_timer(e) -- only a single player is required on live but this is configurable for eras -- the emote range is 100 but trigger is 150 max distance (so not always seen) if e.timer == "check_proximity" then if #e.self:GetClientsInProximity(150) >= trigger_player_count then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, MT.SayEcho, "Mournful wails carry on the air. While at first despairing, they rise quite suddenly to a menacing level.") spawn_ghosts() eq.depop() end end end local function ghost_death(e) if e.self:EntityVariableExists("spawn_on_death") then eq.spawn2(get_random_ghost(), 0, 0, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), e.self:GetHeading()) else local entity_list = eq.get_entity_list() for i=1,#ghosts do if entity_list:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(ghosts[i]) then return -- ghost still alive end end -- talking to Garjah is not required. once the last ghost is killed the key room spawns eq.spawn2(289033, 0, 0, -1284.00, 904.00, 395.92, 170.00) -- #Garjah_Zotaki eq.signal(289044, 1) -- #zone_status (signal to spawn keyroom) end end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event("ghosts", Event.spawn, 289046, trigger_spawn) -- #ghost_trigger eq.register_npc_event("ghosts", Event.timer, 289046, trigger_timer) -- #ghost_trigger eq.register_npc_event("ghosts", Event.death_complete, 289035, ghost_death) -- #an_arisen_beludu eq.register_npc_event("ghosts", Event.death_complete, 289040, ghost_death) -- #a_feeble_beludu_shade eq.register_npc_event("ghosts", Event.death_complete, 290050, ghost_death) -- #a_weeping_beludu_mother end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022