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Jhassad_Oceanson.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# EPIC CLERIC (Timorous deep) # items: 28048, 28049, 28050, 28023 sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 28048 => 1, 28049 => 1, 28050 => 1)) { #Orb of Clear Water, Orb of Frozen Water, Orb of Vapor quest::emote("kneels in the sand and places the three orbs into a large abalone shell bowl. A blue glow surrounds his hands as he waves them over the orbs resting in the bowl. The orbs crack and fall apart, releasing their contents, then reform into a single glowing orb. Jhassad Oceanson gently removes the Orb of the Triumvirate and places it in your hands."); quest::say("The Avatar of Water approaches. You must hand him the Orb of the Triumvirate and it will be decided if it is your destiny to wield the Nem Ankh Sprinkler."); quest::summonitem(28023); # Orb of the triumvirate quest::unique_spawn(96086,21,0,-1886,-11661,1,384); #Avatar of water quest::depop(); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #End of File, Zone:timorous NPC:96074 -- Jhassad Oceanson
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022