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Frundle_Frenkler.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Frundle Frenkler - vial of velium vapors # # items: 17513 sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/velium vapors/i) { quest::say("Ahh, you come seeking my family recipe? After all you've done for our people it's the least I can do. First you must fashion a velium vial, then combine the vial with two small pieces of velium in this jar. That's all there is to it. Please keep the recipe a secret."); if(!plugin::check_hasitem($client,17513)) { #Velium Purifier quest::summonitem(17513); #Velium Purifier } } if ($text=~/velium vial/i) { quest::say("I'm no potter mind you, but if I remember correctly it's a small brick of velium, three crystalline silks, and two glass shards. Then you'll have to finish up by firing it in a kiln with a high quality firing sheet."); if(!plugin::check_hasitem($client,17513)) { #Velium Purifier quest::summonitem(17513); #Velium Purifier } } } # EOF zone: thurgadina ID: 115006 NPC: Frundle_Frenkler
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022