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the_creator_norraths_keepers.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
local the_creator_task_ids = { 4793, 4794, 4795 } -- the 3 different norrath's keepers creator difficulty versions local garden_area_id = 1 local garden = { min_x=1980.0, max_x=2260.0, min_y=-807.0, max_y=-130.0, min_z=126.44, max_z=255.0 } -- todo: would need to select npc type ids based on task id zone version for lower level difficulties local creator_kroval_npc_type_id = 340007 -- #Creator_Kro`val (level 75 in [68+] version) local furious_sentry_npc_type_id = 340006 -- Furious_Sentry (level 70 in [68+] version) local furious_sentry_locs = { [1] = { x=2436, y=-744, z=176, w=0.0 }, -- left room [2] = { x=2436, y=-172, z=176, w=256.0 } -- right room } local task_elements = { explore_garden = 1, kill_defunct_sentries = 2, kill_furious_sentry = 3, cast_identify = 5, } local has_spawned_furious_sentry = false function player_enter_area(e) if e.area_id == garden_area_id then eq.remove_area(garden_area_id) eq.debug("player_enter_area: " .. e.self:GetName()) for _, task_id in pairs(the_creator_task_ids) do if eq.is_task_activity_active(task_id, task_elements.explore_garden) then eq.update_task_activity(task_id, task_elements.explore_garden, 1) break end end end end function player_task_stage_complete(e) -- note that on live the first defunct sentry kill adds 2 to the kill count but -- the furious sentry doesn't spawn until the actual third defunct sentry is killed. -- it's either bugged or they do this so the zone marquee from furious sentry -- spawn doesn't overlap the task update marquee if has_spawned_furious_sentry then return end -- these two task elements can be completed in any order, check if furious sentry needs spawned if e.activity_id == task_elements.explore_garden or e.activity_id == task_elements.kill_defunct_sentries then if eq.is_task_activity_active(e.task_id, task_elements.kill_furious_sentry) then local loc = furious_sentry_locs[math.random(#furious_sentry_locs)] -- can spawn in either room eq.unique_spawn(furious_sentry_npc_type_id, 0, 0, loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, loc.w) has_spawned_furious_sentry = true end end end function furious_sentry_spawn(e) e.self:CameraEffect(1000, 6) -- 1000 ms and 1.0f intensity in packet (source api for this is wtf, change this if it's ever fixed for floats) eq.ZoneMarquee(10, 255, 1000, 2000, 6000, "Something has just come alive in a nearby room! Be warned!") -- live packet values end function player_cast_on(e) -- identify can be cast from anywhere in zone to complete this task element -- but it must be cast on a player holding the energy crystal on cursor if e.spell:ID() == 305 then -- spell: Identify local inv = e.self:GetInventory() if inv:HasItem(60257, 1, InventoryWhere.Cursor) ~= -1 then -- item: Energy Crystal for _, task_id in pairs(the_creator_task_ids) do if eq.is_task_activity_active(task_id, task_elements.cast_identify) then eq.zone_emote(15, "The crystal glows brilliantly filling the room with an eerie light. A scream of rage can be heard in the distance and moments later a voice echoes across the island, 'Foolish adventurers, you will all meet death for destroying my sentries!'") eq.spawn2(creator_kroval_npc_type_id, 0, 0, 1348.0, -474.0, 114.0, 124.0) -- #Creator_Kro`val -- todo: these are randomized among different sentinel types/levels (also a_rock_sentinel, levels ranged from at least 67-69 in [68+] version of zone) -- todo: maybe use spawn conditions based on different zone versions for lower level difficulties eq.spawn2(340003, 0, 0, 1612.0, -446.0, 113.0, 128.0) -- a_crag_sentinel eq.spawn2(340521, 0, 0, 1612.0, -504.0, 113.0, 128.0) -- a_stone_sentinel eq.spawn2(340521, 0, 0, 1466.0, -446.0, 113.0, 128.0) -- a_stone_sentinel eq.spawn2(340521, 0, 0, 1466.0, -504.0, 113.0, 128.0) -- a_stone_sentinel eq.update_task_activity(task_id, task_elements.cast_identify, 1) break end end end end end function event_encounter_load(e) -- don't register any events unless this zone instance is a creator version if eq.get_zone_instance_version() ~= instance_version.thundercrest_isles_the_creator then return end -- hack to make the doors behind Creator Kro`val unopenable (door system needs refactored) eq.get_entity_list():FindDoor(31):SetOpenType(58) eq.get_entity_list():FindDoor(32):SetOpenType(58) eq.add_area(garden_area_id, 0, garden.min_x, garden.max_x, garden.min_y, garden.max_y, garden.min_z, garden.max_z) eq.register_player_event("the_creator_norraths_keepers", Event.enter_area, player_enter_area) eq.register_player_event("the_creator_norraths_keepers", Event.task_stage_complete, player_task_stage_complete) eq.register_player_event("the_creator_norraths_keepers", Event.cast_on, player_cast_on) eq.register_npc_event("the_creator_norraths_keepers", Event.spawn, furious_sentry_npc_type_id, furious_sentry_spawn) -- Furious_Sentry end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022