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#Johanius_Barleou.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_SAY { if(($text=~/hail/i) && ($faction < 6)) { quest::say("Greetings traveler! You seem like a brave individual for having dared the Tenebrous Mountains without a patrol of Validus Custodus to defend you! I am need of some assistance in an [urgent matter]!"); } if(($text=~/hail/i) && ($faction > 5)) { quest::say("You are a brave individual but unfortunately I cannot trust that you will use what I have to offer to its fullest potential against the foes of Katta Castellum. Perhaps when you have established a stronger reputation as a vampyre slayer I will aid you further."); } if(($text=~/urgent matter/i) && ($faction < 6)) { quest::say("My sister and my beloved Lyrra have been captured by the vile blood suckers are being held in the largest of their dark settlements. I can not face that number of blood suckers alone. Are you prepared to slay the wicked undead?"); } if(($text=~/prepared to slay/i) && ($faction < 6)) { quest::say("Excellent, I commend you in advance for your courage. Let us make haste lest something awful happen to my loved ones!"); if($x == 1749 && $y == 8) { quest::start(1); } } } sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_ARRIVE { if($wp == 15) { quest::spawn2(172074,0,0,-377,1268,-28,0); # NPC: #Aellana_Barleou quest::spawn2(172073,0,0,-366,1254,-28,0); # NPC: #Lyrra_Rutledge quest::spawn2(172136,0,0,-395,1360,-40,0); # NPC: #invis_johanius_one } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if($signal == 1) { quest::spawn2(172111,2,0,$x,$y,$z,$h); # NPC: #Sir_Johanius_Barleou quest::depop_withtimer(); } if($signal == 2) { quest::depop_withtimer(); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022