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pkk.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--[[ -- PKK Event -- Pixtt Kretv Krakxt -- http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=4262 -- -- Pixtt Kretv Krakxt says 'You shall regret trespassing into my chambers. The might of our kind shall smother the flames of life in this world, starting with you.' -- -- Do you really think your paltry skills will be enough to best a being as powerful as I? -- -- -- Pixtt Kretv Krakxt: Fight Details & Mechanics -- -- Pixtt Kretv Krakxt hits for a max ~4,800. During this encounter, she will "feign death" four different times: Once at 90%, 70%, 50%, and 30%. Each time she does this, numerous mobs called "an ikaav hatchling" spawn and must be killed to progress the event. These adds each hit for a max ~1,500; single-target rampage; and are mezzable. Also appearing at this time are non-attackable mobs called "Reflection of Pixtt Kretv Krakxt" that wander the perimeter of the room casting AEs. -- -- -- Pixtt Kretv Krakxt at 90% -- -- Ha ha ha, you fools thought you could overpower me. You are nothing but food for my offspring. Come my children, strike them down and suck the marrow from their bones.' Kretv's body falls to the ground -- a lifeless husk freeing the hatchlings within. -- -- 4x "an ikaav hatchling" spawn and 1x "Reflection of Pixtt Kretv Krakxt" (unattackable) roams the perimeter of the room casting "Wrath of the Ikaav" (7k DD + Feign Death) on random people. After the four hatchlings are dead, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt resumes attacking. -- -- Each hatchling is stunnable and mezzable, and has about 50,000 hitpoints. -- -- -- Pixtt Kretv Krakxt at 70% -- -- Your efforts shall fail no matter how great. This is a reality you shall soon see as your vile existence ceases and my brood consumes your remains. -- -- 5x "an ikaav hatchling" spawn and 2x "Reflection of Pixtt Kretv Krakxt" (unattackable) roam the perimeter of the room casting "Wrath of the Ikaav" (7k DD + Feign Death) on random people. After the five hatchlings are dead, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt resumes attacking. -- -- -- Pixtt Kretv Krakxt at 50% -- -- You show surprising strength and conviction, but you will not get any further. The time has come for you to be destroyed. -- -- 6x "an ikaav hatchling" spawn and 3x "Reflection of Pixtt Kretv Krakxt" (unattackable) roam the perimeter of the room casting "Wrath of the Ikaav" (7k DD + Feign Death) on random people and "Ikaav Venom" (AE slow). After the six hatchlings are dead, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt resumes attacking. -- -- -- Pixtt Kretv Krakxt at 30% -- -- My resolve is waning but I shall fight you to the very last breath. The commander looks down upon weaklings in his ranks and the ikaav are not ones to indulge in it. -- -- 7x "an ikaav hatchling" spawn and 4x "Reflection of Pixtt Kretv Krakxt" (unattackable) roam the perimeter of the room casting "Wrath of the Ikaav" (7k DD + Feign Death) on random people and "Ikaav Venom" (AE slow). After the seven hatchlings are dead, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt resumes attacking. -- -- -- Pixtt Kretv Krakxt at 10% -- -- At approximately 10%, you see this: -- -- The end is inevitable, but if I must be defeated, some of you will join me in the afterlife. -- -- At this time, Pixtt Kretv Krakxt begins AE rampaging for full damage, and won't stop until her death. Also at this point, you get 3x "an ikaav hatchling" adds. -- -- -- Completion & Loot -- -- Pixtt Kretv Krakxt has been slain by _____! -- -- Kretv's body falls to the stone floor in a puddle of blackened blood. You step back as she slashes one last time, connecting with nothing but the stale air of the room. 'This is not over. My commander will destroy you for this and when he does I hope it is my power he is wielding. -- -- With the death of the great beast, the seals on the doors fade away. Your path is now clear. -- -- The remaining hatchlings do not despawn upon her death. They must be killed. -- --]] local hatchlings_spawned = 0; local hatchlings_killed = 0; local PKK_hitpoints = 100; -- Also reset to 100 on wipe function PKK_Spawn(e) e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(3, -30); -- 2h slashing e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(1, -30); -- 1h slashing e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(7, -25); -- archery if (PKK_hitpoints == 100) then -- First spawn/wipe! eq.set_next_hp_event(90); hatchlings_spawned = 0; hatchlings_killed = 0; eq.get_entity_list():FindDoor(5):SetLockPick(0); else -- Respawning because all hatchlings are dead eq.depop_all(298047); -- husk e.self:SetHP(e.self:GetMaxHP() * (PKK_hitpoints / 100.0)); if (PKK_hitpoints == 90) then eq.set_next_hp_event(70); elseif (PKK_hitpoints == 70) then eq.set_next_hp_event(50); elseif (PKK_hitpoints == 50) then eq.set_next_hp_event(30); elseif (PKK_hitpoints == 30) then eq.set_next_hp_event(10); end end end function PKK_Death(e) eq.signal(298223, 298201); -- NPC: zone_status eq.get_entity_list():FindDoor(5):SetLockPick(0); end function PKK_Combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then e.self:Say("You shall regret trespassing into my chambers. The might of our kind shall smother the flames of life in this world, starting with you."); e.self:Say("Do you really think your paltry skills will be enough to best a being as powerful as I?"); if (e.self:GetHPRatio() < 92) then eq.set_timer("check", 1 * 1000); -- set scorpion timer on future phases end elseif (e.joined == false) then eq.set_timer("wipecheck", 5000); eq.stop_timer("check"); end end function PKK_Husk_Spawn(e) eq.set_timer("wipecheck", 1500); end function PKK_Timer(e) if (e.timer == "wipecheck") then -- Check to see if there are any Clients in the room with PKK local client = eq.get_entity_list():GetRandomClient(e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), 5000); if (client:IsClient() == false) then PKK_hitpoints = 100; eq.depop_all(298203); -- Reflection 1 eq.depop_all(298204); -- Reflection 2 eq.depop_all(298046); -- Reflection 3 eq.depop_all(298146); -- Reflection 4 eq.depop_all(298048); -- Hatchling eq.depop(); -- will depop either husk or PKK eq.spawn2(298201, 0, 0, 161.0, 242.0, -4.125, 378); -- NPC: Pixtt_Kretv_Krakxt eq.get_entity_list():FindDoor(5):SetLockPick(0); end elseif (e.timer == "tenae") then e.self:CastSpell(eq.ChooseRandom(889, 887, 751, 888),e.self:GetTarget():GetID()); elseif (e.timer == "check") then local instance_id = eq.get_zone_instance_id(); e.self:ForeachHateList( function(ent, hate, damage, frenzy) if(ent:IsClient() and ent:GetX() < 99 or ent:GetX() > 245 or ent:GetY() < 192 or ent:GetY() > 297) then local currclient=ent:CastToClient(); --e.self:Shout("You will not evade me " .. currclient:GetName()) currclient:MovePCInstance(298,instance_id, e.self:GetX(),e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),0); -- Zone: tacvi currclient:Message(5,"Pixtt Kretv Krakxt says, 'You dare enter my chambers and then try to leave? Your punishment will be quite severe."); end end ); end end function Spawn_Hatchlings(number, x, y, z, h) hatchlings_spawned = number; hatchlings_killed = 0; eq.spawn2(298048,0,0,x+15, y+15, z, h); -- NPC: an_ikaav_hatchling eq.spawn2(298048,0,0,x+15, y-15, z, h); -- NPC: an_ikaav_hatchling eq.spawn2(298048,0,0,x-15, y-15, z, h); -- NPC: an_ikaav_hatchling if (number >= 4) then eq.spawn2(298048,0,0,x-15, y+15, z, h); -- NPC: an_ikaav_hatchling end if (number >= 5) then eq.spawn2(298048,0,0,x+7, y+15, z, h); -- NPC: an_ikaav_hatchling end if (number >= 6) then eq.spawn2(298048,0,0,x+7, y+7, z, h); -- NPC: an_ikaav_hatchling end if (number >= 7) then eq.spawn2(298048,0,0,x, y, z, h); -- NPC: an_ikaav_hatchling end end function PKK_Hp(e) PKK_hitpoints = e.hp_event; if (e.hp_event == 90) then eq.zone_emote(13,"Ha ha ha, you fools thought you could overpower me. You are nothing but food for my offspring. Come my children, strike them down and suck the marrow from their bones. Kretv's body falls to the ground -- a lifeless husk freeing the hatchlings within."); eq.set_timer("check", 1 * 1000); eq.get_entity_list():FindDoor(5):SetLockPick(-1); eq.depop(); eq.spawn2(298204, 93, 0, 120.0, 279.0, -7.0, 332); -- reflection eq.spawn2(298047, 0, 0, 161.0, 242.0, -7.0, 378):SetAppearance(3); -- husk Spawn_Hatchlings(4, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), 189.1); elseif (e.hp_event == 70) then eq.zone_emote(13,"Your efforts shall fail no matter how great. This is a reality you shall soon see as your vile existence ceases and my brood consumes your remains."); eq.depop(); Spawn_Hatchlings(5, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), 189.1); eq.spawn2(298047, 0, 0, 161.0, 242.0, -7.0, 378):SetAppearance(3); -- husk eq.spawn2(298204, 93, 0, 120.0, 279.0, -7.0, 332); -- reflection eq.spawn2(298203, 94, 0, 228.0, 221.0, -7.0, 427.0); -- needs_heading_validation elseif (e.hp_event == 50) then eq.zone_emote(13,"You show surprising strength and conviction, but you will not get any further. The time has come for you to be destroyed."); eq.depop(); Spawn_Hatchlings(6, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), 189.1); eq.spawn2(298047, 0, 0, 161.0, 242.0, -7.0, 378):SetAppearance(3); -- husk eq.spawn2(298204, 93, 0, 120.0, 279.0, -7.0, 332); -- reflection eq.spawn2(298046, 95, 0, 116.0, 206.0, -7.0, 162); -- NPC: Reflection_of_Kretv_Krakxt eq.spawn2(298203, 94, 0, 228.0, 221.0, -7.0, 427.0); -- needs_heading_validation elseif (e.hp_event == 30) then eq.zone_emote(13,"My resolve is waning but I shall fight you to the very last breath. The commander looks down upon weaklings in his ranks and the ikaav are not ones to indulge in it."); eq.depop(); Spawn_Hatchlings(7, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), 189.1); eq.spawn2(298047, 0, 0, 161.0, 242.0, -7.0, 378):SetAppearance(3); -- husk eq.spawn2(298204, 93, 0, 120.0, 279.0, -7.0, 332); -- reflection eq.spawn2(298046, 95, 0, 116.0, 206.0, -7.0, 162); -- NPC: Reflection_of_Kretv_Krakxt eq.spawn2(298203, 94, 0, 228.0, 221.0, -7.0, 427.0); -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(298146, 96, 0, 227.0, 284.0, -6.0, 315.0); -- needs_heading_validation elseif (e.hp_event == 10) then eq.zone_emote(13,"The end is inevitable, but if I must be defeated, some of you will join me in the afterlife."); Spawn_Hatchlings(3, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), 189.1); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.rampage, 0); -- turn off single rampage e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.area_rampage, 1); -- turn aoe ramp on e.self:SetSpecialAbilityParam(SpecialAbility.area_rampage, 2, 50); -- 50% mitigated aoe ramp dmg e.self:CastSpell(eq.ChooseRandom(889, 887, 751, 888),e.self:GetTarget():GetID()); eq.set_timer("tenae", 12 * 1000); end end function PKK_Hatchling_Death(e) hatchlings_killed = hatchlings_killed + 1; -- the events at 10 don't want to do extra hatchling stuff if ( hatchlings_killed >= hatchlings_spawned and PKK_hitpoints ~= 10 ) then eq.spawn2(298201, 0, 0, 161.0, 242.0, -4.125, 378); -- NPC: Pixtt_Kretv_Krakxt eq.signal(298203, 1); -- NPC: Reflection_of_Kretv_Krakxt eq.signal(298204, 1); -- NPC: Reflection_of_Kretv_Krakxt eq.signal(298203, 1); -- NPC: Reflection_of_Kretv_Krakxt eq.signal(298046, 1); -- NPC: Reflection_of_Kretv_Krakxt eq.signal(298146, 1); -- NPC: Reflection_of_Kretv_Krakxt end e.self:Emote("black blood spills on the floor"); end function PKK_Hatchling_Spawn(e) e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(3, -20); -- 2h slashing e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(1, -20); -- 1h slashing e.self:ModSkillDmgTaken(7, 10); -- archery end function PKK_Roaming_Caster_One_Spawn(e) eq.start(93); CastOnRandom(e.self, 889); -- Delusional Visions eq.set_timer('snake1', 30000); end function PKK_Roaming_Caster_Two_Spawn(e) eq.start(94); CastOnRandom(e.self, 887); -- Aura of Fatigue eq.set_timer('snake1', 30000); end function PKK_Roaming_Caster_Three_Spawn(e) eq.start(95); CastOnRandom(e.self, 751); -- Ikaav's Venom eq.set_timer('snake1', 30000); end function PKK_Roaming_Caster_Spawn(e) eq.start(96); CastOnRandom(e.self, 888); -- Wrath of the Ikaav eq.set_timer('snake1', 30000); end function CastOnRandom(caster, spell) local client = eq.get_entity_list():GetRandomClient(162, 241, -7, 5000); caster:DoAnim(44); caster:CastSpell(spell, client:GetID()); end function PKK_Roaming_Caster_One_Timer(e) CastOnRandom(e.self, 889); -- Delusional Visions end function PKK_Roaming_Caster_Two_Timer(e) CastOnRandom(e.self, 887); -- Aura of Fatigue end function PKK_Roaming_Caster_Three_Timer(e) CastOnRandom(e.self, 751); -- Ikaav's Venom end function PKK_Roaming_Caster_Four_Timer(e) CastOnRandom(e.self, 888); -- Wrath of the Ikaav end function PKK_Roaming_Caster_Signal(e) eq.depop(); end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.spawn, 298201, PKK_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.combat, 298201, PKK_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.hp, 298201, PKK_Hp); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.timer, 298201, PKK_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.death_complete, 298201, PKK_Death); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.death_complete, 298048, PKK_Hatchling_Death); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.spawn, 298048, PKK_Hatchling_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.spawn, 298047, PKK_Husk_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.timer, 298047, PKK_Timer); -- Reusing PKK Timer function, should be safe eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.spawn, 298204, PKK_Roaming_Caster_One_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.timer, 298204, PKK_Roaming_Caster_One_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.signal, 298204, PKK_Roaming_Caster_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.spawn, 298203, PKK_Roaming_Caster_Two_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.timer, 298203, PKK_Roaming_Caster_Two_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.signal, 298203, PKK_Roaming_Caster_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.spawn, 298046, PKK_Roaming_Caster_Three_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.timer, 298046, PKK_Roaming_Caster_Three_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.signal, 298046, PKK_Roaming_Caster_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.spawn, 298146, PKK_Roaming_Caster_Four_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.timer, 298146, PKK_Roaming_Caster_Four_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('pkk', Event.signal, 298146, PKK_Roaming_Caster_Signal); end function event_encounter_unload(e) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022