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#EmpCycle.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#BEGIN File: ssratemple\#EmpCycle.pl my $BloodCoolDownTime = int(rand(60)) + 180; #Waiting time to reattempt Emp after failure (Current setting: 3-4 hours) my $EmpRepopTime = int(rand(2880)) + 4320; #Respawn time for Emp after success (Current setting: 3-5 days) my $EmpPrepTime = 150; #Seconds before Emp becomes targetable after killing Blood/Golem (Current setting: 2min 30sec) my $EmpPrep; sub EVENT_SPAWN { $EmpPrep = 0; quest::settimer("EmpCycle",10); #Cyclical Timer } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer eq "EmpCycle") { if (!defined($qglobals{Emperor}) && !defined($qglobals{BloodCoolDown})) { #Emperor is ready to spawn quest::setglobal("Emperor",1,0,"F"); #Normal Cycle Start } if (($qglobals{Emperor} == 1) && !$entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(162065)) { quest::spawn2(162189,0,0,877.0,-325.0,400.5,384); ##Blood_of_Ssraeshza quest::spawn2(162065,0,0,990.0,-325.0,415.0,384); ##Emperor_Ssraeshza (No Target) } if (!defined($qglobals{BloodCoolDown}) && ($qglobals{Emperor} == 2) && !$entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(162065) && !$entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(162227) && ($EmpPrep == 0)) { quest::spawn2(162064,0,0,877.0,-325.0,400.5,384); #Ssraeshzian_Blood_Golem quest::spawn2(162065,0,0,990.0,-325.0,415.0,384); ##Emperor_Ssraeshza (No Target) } } if ($timer eq "EmpPrep") { quest::stoptimer("EmpPrep"); quest::depop(162065); ##Emperor_Ssraeshza (No Target) quest::spawn2(162227,0,0,990.0,-325.0,415.0,384); ##Emperor_Ssraeshza_ (Real) quest::setglobal("Emperor",2,0,"F"); quest::setglobal("BloodCoolDown",0,0,"M$BloodCoolDownTime"); #Cooldown timer $EmpPrep = 0; } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if ($signal == 1) { #Blood or Blood Golem is dead quest::settimer("EmpPrep", $EmpPrepTime); $EmpPrep = 1; } if ($signal == 2) { #Emperor is dead quest::setglobal("Emperor",3,0,"M$EmpRepopTime"); #Emp respawn timer } if ($signal == 3) { #Raid Failure quest::setglobal("BloodCoolDown",0,0,"M$BloodCoolDownTime"); #Cooldown timer } } #END File: ssratemple\#EmpCycle.pl (162260)
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022