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Genni.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Quests for Bard Lambent Stones # items: 10032, 10000, 10117, 10031, 16507, 19047 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("I am Genni of the temple of Solusek Ro. I serve as custodian of the [lambent stones]."); } if($text=~/lambent stones/i) { quest::say("Lambent stones are receptacles of power. Alone they are not useful, but when combined with other gemstones they can be used for making magic items. I know of [star ruby] lambent, [ruby] lambent, [sapphire] lambent and [fire opal] lambent."); } if($text=~/ruby/i) { if($text=~/star/i) { quest::say("To make a star ruby lambent stone, you must give me two star rubies and a lambent stone. Lambent stones can be found on hill giants, sand giants and griffons."); } else { quest::say("My Sister Vilissia holds the secrets to making ruby lambent stones. Though she will not speak of it, if you give her two rubies and a lambent stone, she will make you ruby lambent."); } } if($text=~/sapphire/i) { quest::say("My Brother Gardern holds the secret to making sapphire lambent stones. Though he will not speak of it, if you give him two sapphires and a lambent stone, he will make you sapphire lambent."); } if($text=~/fire opal/i) { quest::say("My Brother Ostorm holds the secret to making fire opal lambent stones. Though he will not speak of it, if you give him two fire opals and a lambent stone, he will make you fire opal lambent. If you are interested, I can [sell] you a [fire opal]."); } if($text=~/sell/i) { quest::say("I will sell you a fire opal for 550 golden coins. Remember, gold! The metal of fire for a gem of fire."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 10032 => 2, 10000 => 1)) { quest::say("Here is your prize - a lambent star ruby."); quest::summonitem(10117); # Item: Lambent Star Ruby quest::faction(415,1); # Faction: Temple of Solusek Ro quest::faction(416,-1); # Faction: Shadowed Men } elsif($gold == 550) { quest::say("Here is your prize - a lambent star ruby."); quest::summonitem(10031); # Item: Fire Opal quest::faction(415,1); # Faction: Temple of Solusek Ro quest::faction(416,-1); # Faction: Shadowed Men } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 16507 => 1)) { quest::say("I see that Gavel has sent you to me. Very well, I have galvanized your platinum bar - take it."); quest::summonitem(19047); #Galvanized Platinum } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022