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80002.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- items: 28051 local hour_low = 9; local hour_high = 20; function Check_Gender(e) local time = eq.get_zone_time(); local hour = time['zone_hour']; if ( hour < hour_low or hour > hour_high ) then -- Woman e.self:SendIllusionPacket({race=1,gender=1,texture=11}); else -- Man e.self:SendIllusionPacket({race=1,gender=2,texture=11}); end end function event_spawn(e) Check_Gender(e); eq.set_timer('check_gender', 30 * 1000); end function event_say(e) local time = eq.get_zone_time(); local hour = time['zone_hour']; if ( hour >= hour_low and hour <= hour_high ) then if (e.message:findi("plasmatic priest")) then e.self:Say("You speak of things that should not be spoken! It would be in your best interest to leave this temple at once and return to lands less consumed by flame!"); elseif (e.message:findi("solusek ro")) then e.self:Say("Solusek Ro is the Master of Fire and the Keeper of Power."); end end end function event_timer(e) if (e.timer == 'check_gender') then Check_Gender(e); end end function event_trade(e) local item_lib = require("items"); local time = eq.get_zone_time(); local hour = time['zone_hour']; if ( hour >= hour_low and hour <= hour_high ) then if (item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {item1 = 28051})) then --Coral Statue of Tarew e.self:Emote("shakes violently as his hand closes on the coral statue and flames dance in the depths of his eyes! The statue begins to emit a reddish glow then shatters in a burst of fire and smoke! The flames in the plasmatic priest's eyes vanish with the explosion and only madness remains!"); e.self:Say("The Triumvirate thinks that destroying my spirit of flame will stop me?!! I will kill you all now, the goblins will continue to war, and when my spirit is restored I will ensure that Ixiblat Fer consumes all of Norrath in his flames!!"); local priest = eq.spawn2(80042,0,0,e.self:GetX(),e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()):AddToHateList(e.other,1); -- NPC: a_plasmatic_priest eq.depop_with_timer(); else item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other, e.trade); end else item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other, e.trade); end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022