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Alej_Leraji.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- items: 68298 local turned_in_seal = false local tool_count = 0 local function update_flag(client) local sewers_flag = tonumber(eq.get_data(client:CharacterID() .. "-god_sewers")) or 0 local snlair_key = string.format("%s-god_snlair", client:CharacterID()) if sewers_flag < 3 then eq.set_data(snlair_key, "T") client:Message(15, "You have gained a temporary character flag! Seek the High Priest's Scribe to find out more information.") else eq.set_data(snlair_key, "1") client:Message(15, "You have gained a character flag! All of High Priest Diru's tasks have been completed. He will now tell you who to talk to for passage through the mountains.") end end function event_spawn(e) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_melee, 1) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_magic, 1) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, 1) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro_on, 1) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.no_harm_from_client, 1) eq.set_timer("appearance", 1000) eq.spawn_condition("snlair", eq.get_zone_instance_id(), 1, 1) -- default mobs inside tool rooms end function event_say(e) if e.message:findi("hail") then if not turned_in_seal then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, MT.SayEcho, "Alej Leraji in a raspy, tired voice says, 'Who are you? What are you doing here?'") else eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, MT.SayEcho, "Alej Leraji says, 'Please hurry and [" .. eq.say_link("find my three stone shaping tools") .. "], there isn't time to waste!'") end elseif e.message:findi("found(.*)stone shaping tool") then if tool_count == 0 then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, MT.SayEcho, "Alej Leraji says, 'I don't see any tools. Please acquire my three tools so I can escape this collapsed prison!'") elseif tool_count == 1 then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, MT.SayEcho, "Alej Leraji says, 'You are missing two of my tools. Please acquire them so I can escape this stony bastille!'") elseif tool_count == 2 then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, MT.SayEcho, "Alej Leraji says, 'You only need one more tool. Please acquire it before there is no time left!'") elseif tool_count == 3 then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, MT.SayEcho, "Alej Leraji uses his stone shaping tools to lessen the grasp the stone prison had on his body. In an extremely hasty motion he leaps from under the rocks. Alej Leraji tells you, 'Thank you for helping me out of this situation. For a while I thought I was going to be joining the rest of the spirits here an in eternal slumber, but that is not the case now. Thank you! .' A burst of light flashes before your eyes and Alej disappears.") local client_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList() for client in client_list.entries do if client.valid then update_flag(client) end end eq.depop() end end end function event_timer(e) if e.timer == "appearance" then eq.stop_timer("appearance") e.self:SetAppearance(3) elseif e.timer == "fail_warn" then eq.zone_emote(13, "Alej Leraji shouts, 'Please hurry, I do not know how much longer I can hold on underneath these rocks!'") eq.stop_timer("fail_warn") eq.set_timer("fail_event", 10 * 60 * 1000) -- 10 minutes elseif e.timer == "fail_event" then eq.zone_emote(13, "With his very last breath Alej shouts, 'My time is up, I'm beginning to feel my life wither. Thank you for trying friends, if only there was more time.'") eq.stop_timer("fail_event") eq.depop() end end function event_trade(e) local item_lib = require("items") if item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {item1 = 68298}) then -- Item: Seal of the Nihil High Priest turned_in_seal = true eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, MT.SayEcho, "Alej Leraji looks at the clay seal and with a tired breath says, 'I see you have the seal, you are trustworthy. I need your help, for I don't know if I can survive much longer. I will need my stone shaping tools to get me out of this rocky prison. Please tell me when you [" .. eq.say_link("find my three stone shaping tools") .. "] and make haste! I left them in the water wheel room, the cocoon room, and the entrance to this section of the sewers. I have little time left.'") eq.spawn2(286104, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0) -- NPC: #lair_trigger (spawns event tool room mobs) eq.set_timer("fail_warn", 50 * 60 * 1000) -- 50 minutes end item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other, e.trade) end function event_signal(e) if e.signal == 1 then tool_count = tool_count + 1 end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022