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Warder_Keeper_Jyk.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_ARRIVE { if($wp == 1) { $npc->SetAppearance(3); } if($wp == 21) { quest::emote("grabs a large chunk of raw owlbear meat from the storeroom."); } if($wp == 35) { quest::say("hail Palav. It's feeding time my friend. Now now Rajyk, It's ladies first. I will return with your food shortly."); quest::signal(155289,1); # NPC: Palav quest::signal(155288,1); # NPC: Rajyk } if($wp == 47) { quest::emote("grabs a large chunk of raw owlbear meat from the storeroom."); } if($wp == 59) { quest::say("hail Rajyk. You didn't think I forgot to feed you did you? Eat well my friends, I will be back again."); quest::signal(155289,1); # NPC: Palav quest::signal(155288,1); # NPC: Rajyk } if($wp == 67) { quest::say("My my, what a selection. I think I'll go with some ale today."); } if($wp == 78) { $npc->SetAppearance(1); } } sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Well met. friend. May I be of assistance?"); } } #END of FILE Zone:sharvahl ID:155172 -- Warder_Keeper_Jyk
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022