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Tax_Collector_Khugra.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
## Changes by Kagehi. ## $Shar_Vahl_Cit tracks the steps you take to gain your initiate cloak. ## Since we don't want to hand people things that they can't normally get, or ## stuff they haven't earned, we need to track which stage in the quest they ## are at. 1 = Citizen Application. 2 = Cert. of Taxability, 3 = Stamped Cert., ## 4 = Note to King Raja, 5 Note 'from' the king, 6 = Notarized Application ## and 7 = Initiate's Cloak. # items: 2875, 2874 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Well met. Friend. May I be of assistance?"); } ## Fixme for lost stamped certificate. if(($text=~/certificate/i) && ($qglobals{Shar_Vahl_Cit} == 3)){ quest::say("I suppose I can issue another one. Just give me a second."); quest::summonitem(2875);} } sub EVENT_ITEM { #Certificate of Taxability OR Application for Citizenship if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 2874 => 1)) { quest::emote("places his seal on the certificate before returning it to you."); quest::say("Ahh, a new taxpayer, wonderful! You must always remember that it is a distinct privilege to contribute to the upkeep of our noble society and not merely a duty or a burden. I look forward to collecting your honorable taxes in the future. May the spirits prosper you, $name.'"); quest::ding(); quest::exp(100); # Stamped Certificate of Taxability quest::setglobal("Shar_Vahl_Cit",3,5,"F"); quest::summonitem("2875"); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:sharvahl ID:155084 -- Tax_Collector_Khugra
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022