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Master_Taruun_Rakutah.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 2873, 2878, 52334, 18554, 29828, 17499, 29825, 29826, 2897, 9491, 52353 sub EVENT_SPAWN { $x = $npc->GetX(); $y = $npc->GetY(); quest::set_proximity($x - 50, $x + 50, $y - 50, $y + 50); } sub EVENT_ENTER { if(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 18554)) { $client->Message(15,"As you attempt to get your bearings, a sly looking Vah Shir turns towards you. 'I see you wish to learn the ways of the rogue my, friend. I am Master Taruun Rakutah. Read the note in your inventory and hand it to me and we will begin your training.'"); } } sub EVENT_SAY { if(($text=~/application/i) && ($qglobals{Shar_Vahl_Cit} == 1)){ quest::say("Luckily for you someone found it."); quest::summonitem(2873); # Item: Application for Citizenship } if(($text=~/cloak/i) && ($qglobals{Shar_Vahl_Cit} == 7)){ quest::say("Someone found a rockhopper chewing on this in the pit. Try not to lose it this time."); quest::summonitem(2878); # Item: Initiate's Cloak of Shar Vahl } if ($text=~/hail/i) { if ( $client->GetGlobal("Fatestealer") ==1) { #Rogue 1.5 quest::emote("gazes at you, his amber eyes gleaming."); quest::say("I have been awaiting your arrival. The information that you seek is here, and I have no qualms sharing it with someone of your illustrious background. The name '$name' pops up in idle conversation here more than you would realize. However, my knowledge does come at a price: one pouch of gems. I've no need for your money, but a contribution of gemstones is symbolic of your dedication to the craft and your understanding of the value of that which I am about to impart to you. Nothing of value is ever given freely. You should understand that more than anyone. If you are lacking coin at the moment, a [" . quest::saylink("small task") . "] will do the trick as well. Whichever you'd prefer."); } else{ quest::say("Well met, friend. May I be of assistance?"); } } if ( $client->GetGlobal("Fatestealer") ==1) { #Rogue 1.5 if ($text=~/small task/i) { quest::say("King Raja deserves to be well-fed, and I deserve to be in his good graces. You can take care of both these problems simultaneously by assembling a culinary masterpiece for the King. There are delicacies from far off lands that we have only heard rumors of, but they sound incredibly appetizing. Collect the various foodstuffs on this list. Return them to me and then I will bestow upon you the information you desire. Farewell, $name."); quest::summonitem(52334); #King's Feast Request } } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 18554 => 1)) { #Taruun Guild Summons quest::say("Good $name, I am pleased to see you. You have come of age and it is time for you to register for citzenship. Your invitation indicates that the Taruun, hunters and providers of Shar Vahl, have noticed you and consider your potential to be worthy of our training. First, take this application to the Registrar Bindarah and return to me with proof of citzenship."); quest::say("I know that you may be nervous right now... after all, this should be very exciting first step for you. If you happen to get lost while looking for the registrar, just ask one of the other citizens or guards for directions. They will most likely know where to find the place or person that you are looking for."); quest::summonitem(2873); #Application for Citizenship quest::setglobal("Shar_Vahl_Cit",1,5,"F"); quest::ding(); quest::exp(20); } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 29828 => 1)) { #Shadowscream Steel Boots quest::say("So you're Barkhem's newest student are you? I may not have taken your word for it, but craftsmanship this fine could only be from a student of our Master Smith. Take this and fill it with Shadowscream steel boots. I need 6 pairs to outfit some of my hunters. When you've finished, return the box to me."); quest::summonitem(17499); #Boot Case } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 29825 => 1)) { #Shadowscream Boot Case quest::emote("inspects the boots for a moment and looks you square in the eyes. 'This is excellent work, $name, you do not disappoint! Would that you could outfit all of my hunters with these boots, but I must not keep your talents all to myself. Take some change for your troubles and this seal back to Barkhem - let him know that I am very impressed with his new protege.'"); quest::faction(1513,10); #Guardians of Shar Vahl quest::exp(500); quest::summonitem(29826); #Rakutah's Seal } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 2897 => 1)){ #Notorized Application quest::say("Allow me to be the first to welcome you. Accept this cloak, young initiate. It is a symbol of your loyalty to our noble people. May it serve you as you serve us all. Present your acrylia slate to Harbin Gernawl and he will give you instruction. May the spirits of the beasts guide you and keep you safe.'"); quest::summonitem(2878); #Initiate's Cloak of Shar Vahl quest::setglobal("Shar_Vahl_Cit",7,5,"F"); quest::ding(); quest::exp(450); } elsif ($client->GetGlobal("Fatestealer") ==1 and plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 9491 => 1)) { #King's Feast quest::say("Mmm, that is a delicious aroma. The King will most definitely be pleased, $name. And now it seems I owe you a favor. He pauses momentarily as if gathering his thoughts then speaks. 'Let me ask you, what is the greatest advantage of a Vah Shir's claws?' He retracts a single dark claw and holds it forward, studying it with his amber eyes. The design is simple but beautifully effective. Elegant, sharp, and dangerous. Most importantly, I want you to notice this: our enemies feel the claw's pierce twice, both when penetrated and when the implement of pain is ripped out. That is key to creating the perfect blade. I can describe the topic more fully in writing. There you are, I've scribbled some notes in your journal."); $client->Message(15,"You have coerced Rakutah into revealing his secret."); quest::setglobal('Fatestealer_sv',1, 5, 'F' ); } elsif (!defined $qglobals{"Fatestealer_gem"} and $client->GetGlobal("Fatestealer") ==1 and $client->GetRace()==130 and plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 52353 => 1)) { quest::say("Let me ask you, what is the greatest advantage of a Vah Shir's claws?' He retracts a single dark claw and holds it forward, studying it with his amber eyes. The design is simple but beautifully effective. Elegant, sharp, and dangerous. Most importantly, I want you to notice this: our enemies feel the claw's pierce twice, both when penetrated and when the implement of pain is ripped out. That is key to creating the perfect blade. I can describe the topic more fully in writing. There you are, I've scribbled some notes in your journal."); $client->Message(15,"You have coerced Rakutah into revealing his secret."); quest::setglobal('Fatestealer_sv',1, 5, 'F' ); quest::setglobal('Fatestealer_gem',1, 5, 'F' ); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:sharvahl ID:155169 -- Master_Taruun_Rakutah
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022