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Instructor_Anom.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_SPAWN { my $count = 0; quest::settimer("train",7); } sub EVENT_TIMER { $count++; if($count==3) { quest::say("Listen up, recruits! Your lives will depend on your ability to deal with an enemy in unarmed combat."); } if($count==4) { quest::say("If you are comfortable in unarmed combat, you will be able to understand the worst cast scenario of any given situation."); } if($count==5) { quest::say("If you are caught by surprise, Your ability to fight with your feet and fists will be the base from which you will have to work."); } if($count==6) { quest::say("If that foundation is a strong one, you will have little to worry about... even in the most dire of situations."); quest::settimer("train",25); } if($count==7) { quest::say("Are you two ready to spar?"); quest::signalwith(155131,1,5); # NPC: Recruit_Ulra quest::settimer("train",5); } if($count==8) { quest::signalwith(155131,2,5); # NPC: Recruit_Ulra quest::settimer("train",90); } if($count==9) { $count = 0; quest::settimer("train",7); } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if ($signal == 1) { quest::say("Recruit, don't guess... Bring up your guard and fight! "); } if ($signal == 2) { quest::say("Good good! Ease up on him, Mogol. Both of you, take a break for a moment."); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022