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Dharr_Nadim.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#Dharr's Lure Quests #Zone:sharvahl ID:155097 -- Dharr_Nadim # items: 3648, 30694 sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::settimer(1,95); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer == 1){ my $random = int(rand(8)); if($random == 0){ quest::say("Get your new sturdy fishing pole here, take it on your next adventure!"); } if($random == 1){ quest::say("My special fishing bait will attract the best tasting fish, while keeping the Wetfangs away!"); } if($random == 2){ quest::say("Come this way, get a great deal on fishing supplies. Everything needed for your next outing!"); } if($random == 3){ quest::say("Come check out my wares for all of your fishing needs! Poles, Bait, and Stout, all in one stop!"); } if($random == 4){ quest::say("Tired of getting the ones that you have to throw back? Buy my special bait, you will real in the big ones!"); } if($random == 5){ quest::say("Hey you look like a mighty fisherman! Come buy a pole from me and catch the big ones!"); } if($random == 6){ quest::say("Come up, buy my gear for your next fishing trip!"); } if($random == 7){ quest::say("Why not take an extra fishing pole with you on your travels, light and easy to carry."); } } } sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Step up. step up! Please take a moment to purchase some supplies from me. Times are hard and my [luck] has been bad."); } if($text=~/luck/i){ quest::say("I have just come from Hollowshade Moor a few weeks ago. My fishing days have been very unprosperous. The lures that I have now are made of low quality Acrylia and scare the fish away rather than attract them. I want to make a new lure, and on my way in I noticed the dull color of the [scorpions]. I would have moved closer to them but unfortunately I am deathly allergic to the poisons found in scorpion venom."); } if($text=~/scorpions/i){ quest::say("The scorpions are at the bottom of the canyon surrounding the city. If you can bring me four shells to make a few lures, I will give you my old lure. Be careful making your way down the ledges as there are many steep drops."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,3648=>4)){ quest::say("Excellent, hopefully my fishing business can start to thrive once again! As I said before you can have this old lure. You won't be able to catch anything with it but maybe you can pawn it off to a jewelry merchant."); quest::summonitem(30694); # Item: Dharr's Lure quest::exp(1000); quest::ding(); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:sharvahl ID:155097 -- Dharr_Nadim
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022