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Amat_Iuziq.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 6265, 6147, 5544, 6268, 6267 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Well met, friend. May I be of assistance?"); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 6265 =>1 )) { quest::say("Ah so there you are we've been expecting you. Take this spear and go speak with Arms Historian Qua. He can provide further instructions."); quest::summonitem(6147); # Item: Dar Khura Spear Shaft } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 5544 =>1, 6268 =>1 )) { quest::say("Well done #name! You have proven your worth and can now be considered a Dar Khura Journeyman!"); quest::summonitem(6268); # Item: Sonic Wolf Bane Spear quest::summonitem(6267); # Item: Cloak of the Dar Khura Journeyman quest::exp(10000); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:sharvahl ID:Not_Found -- Amat_Iuziq
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022