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Ahahd_Tolm.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
my $count = 0; sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::settimer("themoor",5); } sub EVENT_TIMER { $count++; if($count == 1) { quest::say("So mate, are you just in from a patrol?"); } if($count == 2) { quest::signalwith(155122,1,1); # NPC: Taruun_Jaur } if($count == 3) { quest::signalwith(155259,1,1); # NPC: Erat_Almar General Supplies } if($count == 4) { quest::signalwith(155122,2,1); # NPC: Taruun_Jaur } if($count == 5) { quest::say("Sure thing, mate. You know I'm sucker for good gossip."); } if($count == 6) { quest::signalwith(155122,3,1); # NPC: Taruun_Jaur } if($count == 7) { quest::say("Oh my! Did ya kill 'em!"); quest::signalwith(155259,2,1); # NPC: Erat_Almar General Supplies } if($count == 8) { quest::signalwith(155122,4,1); # NPC: Taruun_Jaur } if($count == 9) { quest::say("Bah! It couldn't get weirder. That's weird enough! Take a moment to finish your drink and then tell me what happened."); quest::settimer("themoor",300); } if($count == 10) { $count = 0; quest::settimer("themoor",5); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022