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Weaponsmith_Grugl.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Come to assist in the testing of the bashing equipment? Nah. Not you. You are too small. You must be here to practice your forging."); } if ($text=~/footmans pike/i) { quest::say("To forge a footman pike requires skill as well as an iron rod, forging hammer and a footman pike head. To forge the pike head you will need a geozite tool, raw pike head and petrified redwood if the footman pike head plans are yours."); } if ($text=~/soldier pike/i) { quest::say("To forge a soldier pike requires skill, not to mention an iron rod, a forging hammer plus a soldier pike head. To forge the pike head, you will need a geozite tool, raw pike head and frontier fools gold as well as the soldier pike head plans."); } if ($text=~/trooper pike/i) { quest::say("To forge a trooper pike requires much skill! You also need an iron rod, forging hammer plus a trooper pike head. To forge the pike head, you will need the trooper pike head plans, a geozite tool, raw pike head and a radiant meteorite."); } if ($text=~/legionnaire mancatcher/i) { quest::say("To forge a legionnaire mancatcher, a blacksmith of great skill would need the steel rod, forge hammer and the forged legionnaire mancatcher crown. That crown is forged with the geozite tool, legionnaire crown plans, a raw crown and a peridot."); } if ($text=~/champions mancatcher/i) { quest::say("To forge a Champion mancatcher a blacksmith of great skill would need a steel rod, a forge hammer, and a forged Champion mancatcher crown. That crown is forged with a geozite tool, crown plans, a raw crown, and an opal."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022