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War_Historian_Kobl.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("You have come to learn. have you not? I have knowledge of importance to young warriors of the legion. Or perhaps you are a scribe seeking my [unique writing materials]!"); } if($text=~/what unique writing materials/i){ quest::say("You must be a scribe of sorts? Always glad to assist a talented youth. I make two things unique to Cabilis and important to any future master scribe. I can create [blood ink] and [illweed parchment]."); } if($text=~/what blood ink/i){ quest::say("If blood ink is what you seek. then only I can provide it. I use a unique blend prepared by my secret method. I can supply you with a vial of blood ink. but first you must fetch me four ingredients. I need globules of blood from certain creatures. I need globules from the carnivorous plants. leeches and mosquitoes. I also need globules from the blood pit of the Tower of Death. Bring me these and be quick. or the blood will disintegrate."); } if($text=~/what illweed parchment/i){ quest::say("If you wish to obtain a page of my illweed parchment. you only have to perform a simple task. Bring me four illweed reeds from the Lake of Ill Omen. You may find that the only way one can find illweed is to go fishing."); } } #END of FILE Zone:cabeast ID:5321 -- War_Historian_Kobl
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022