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An_Undead_Bard.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 20536 my $spawn; sub EVENT_SPAWN { $spawn = 0; } sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Hail, $name. Are you perchance a minstrel?"); } if ($text=~/i am a minstrel/i) { quest::say("I, too, am a bard, or was rather. I have been cursed by that blasted pile of bones who calls itself, Trakanon."); } if ($text=~/trakanon/i) { quest::say("He is the undead dragon who rules this realm. I came on a quest seeking strings for my new instrument."); } if ($text=~/new instrument/i) { quest::say("I sought to create a Magical Lute."); } if ($text=~/magical lute/i) { quest::say("One that would make me the greatest bard in all the lands! Are you on a similar quest?"); } if ($text=~/i am on a similar quest/i) { quest::say("Excellent. I have stayed here far too long and I wish to go to my eternal slumber. But before I do so, I ask for one last request."); } if ($text=~/last request/i) { quest::say("Well then, I would ask you a favor for one in return. If I bring that cursed dragon here, will you kill it for me?"); } if ($text=~/i will kill it for you/i) { quest::say("Give me the Mystical Lute Body you have. I will return it, don't worry. I only wish to hold an instrument one last time before I leave."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 20536 => 1)) { #Mystical Lute Body quest::say("I feel so powerful once again...a strange feeling is overcoming me!"); quest::summonitem(20536); #Mystical Lute Body quest::attack($name); $spawn = 1; } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { if($spawn == 1) { quest::spawn2(89181,0,0,-693,-2103,-140.62,0); # NPC: #Trakanon $spawn = 0; } } #END of FILE Zone:sebilis ID:89168 -- an_undead_bard
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022