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goblins.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- this is similar to the everfrost goblin raiders -- when less than 3 goblins are in combat in close proximity (75ish range) they -- will emote, clear hate list, and run towards the closest goblin not in combat -- they return to their spawnpoint after a delay -- unlike the everfrost goblin raiders, these become non-aggroable during -- the first tick (5s) of their flee phase, but they can still be damaged local goblin_types = { [245198] = true, -- a_goblin_flamecaller [245212] = true, -- a_goblin_flamecaller [245213] = true, -- a_goblin_flamecaller [245218] = true, -- a_goblin_flamecaller [245203] = true, -- a_goblin_spiritcaller [245208] = true, -- a_goblin_spiritcaller [245214] = true, -- a_goblin_spiritcaller [245219] = true, -- a_goblin_spiritcaller [245195] = true, -- a_tired_slave [245204] = true, -- a_tired_slave [245209] = true, -- a_tired_slave [245210] = true, -- a_tired_slave [245215] = true -- a_tired_slave } local function make_aggroable(mob, aggroable) mob:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, aggroable and 0 or 1) mob:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro_on, aggroable and 0 or 1) end local function get_nearest_goblin(goblin, range) -- todo: this could be expensive, might want to cache spawns -- get total aggro goblins in proximity and nearest non-aggro goblin local nearest = nil local aggro_proximity_count = 0 local npc_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCList() for npc in npc_list.entries do if npc.valid and npc:GetID() ~= goblin:GetID() and goblin_types[npc:GetNPCTypeID()] then local has_hate = npc:GetHateList().entries() and true or false local dist = npc:CalculateDistance(goblin:GetX(), goblin:GetY(), goblin:GetZ()) if has_hate and dist < range then aggro_proximity_count = aggro_proximity_count + 1 elseif not nearest or dist < nearest.dist then nearest = { dist = dist, x = npc:GetX(), y = npc:GetY(), z = npc:GetZ() } end end end return { aggro_proximity_count = aggro_proximity_count, nearest = nearest } end function goblin_combat(e) if e.joined then eq.set_timer("check_flee", 5000) e.self:SetEntityVariable("combat", "1") else e.self:SetEntityVariable("combat", "0") end end function goblin_timer(e) if e.timer == "check_flee" then local in_combat = (e.self:GetEntityVariable("combat") == "1") if not in_combat then -- first tick after leaving combat, make us aggroable again and stop timer eq.stop_timer("check_flee") make_aggroable(e.self, true) else local goblins = get_nearest_goblin(e.self, 75) if goblins.aggro_proximity_count < 2 and goblins.nearest then -- run to nearest goblin, then back to spawn eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, 15, ("%s cackles maniacally. 'Fast as fast can be, you'll never catch me!' He turns and runs away looking for more of his cohorts."):format(e.self:GetCleanName())) e.self:WipeHateList() e.self:SetRunning(true) make_aggroable(e.self, false) -- hack: need it to run to next npc but return to spawn (don't save guard spot) e.self:CastToNPC():SetGrid(-2) e.self:CastToNPC():ResumeWandering() -- stop the walk timer from post-combat e.self:CastToNPC():StopWandering() -- reset so move works e.self:MoveTo(goblins.nearest.x, goblins.nearest.y, goblins.nearest.z, 0, false) end end end end function event_encounter_load(e) for npc_type_id,_ in pairs(goblin_types) do eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.combat, npc_type_id, goblin_combat) eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.timer, npc_type_id, goblin_timer) end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022