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king.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--[[ -- #King_Gelaqua (334041) -- #Prince_Ilsin (334040) -- #Prince_Cynin (334039) -- #Prince_Scyllus (334038) -- #Prince_Britalic (334037) -- #Prince_Allin (334036) -- #Prince_Kiranus (334035) -- a_crystalline_portal (334034) -- ###a_crystalline_portal (334113) -- ##a_crystalline_portal (334112) -- #####a_crystalline_portal (334115) -- ####a_crystalline_portal (334114) -- #a_crystalline_portal (334111) -- a_snarling_feran (334094) -- an_icy_orb (334095) -- a_gelidin_crystal (334110) -- -- First phase: -- Kill all Princes -- Each Prince is linked to one portal -- Every 40-60 seconds a portal with an active Prince has a chance to spawn -- an add -- a snarling feran can be mezzed or killed, spawns after 4 min 30 seconds -- an icy orb can be rooted/snared and will path towards the king, once it -- reaches the king it will run towrads a player, if it reaches the player -- it will split into 4 a geldin crystals which AE and despawn after 7 mins -- Second phase: (killing all princes triggers) -- King becomes active and aggros the raid -- Every 40-60 seconds the King will cause a portal to activate -- An orb will always spawn when the King activates a portal -- -- There is no resetting the event -- -- Princes and King leashed to room, adds are not --]] local portals = {} -- [Prince's NPC Type ID, Portal's mob] local box = require("aa_box") local leash_box = box(-130, -680, -460, 360) local king = nil local orbstate = {} -- [Spawn ID, chase state] local timerstate = {} -- [Spawn ID, state of timer for portal adds] local princecount = 0 -- various functions we use function CheckLeash(e) if not leash_box:contains(e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY()) then e.self:GotoBind() e.self:SetHP(e.self:GetMaxHP()) e.self:WipeHateList() end end function PortalAdds(mob) local id = eq.ChooseRandom(334094, 334095, 0) if id > 0 then eq.spawn2(id, 0, 0, mob:GetX(), mob:GetY(), mob:GetZ(), mob:GetHeading()) end end function DistanceToWaypoint(self) return self:CalculateDistance(self:GetWaypointX(), self:GetWaypointY(), self:GetWaypointZ()) end function ExploadOrb(mob) eq.spawn2(334110, 0, 0, mob:GetX(), mob:GetY(), mob:GetZ(), mob:GetHeading()):TryMoveAlong(10.0, 0.0) eq.spawn2(334110, 0, 0, mob:GetX(), mob:GetY(), mob:GetZ(), mob:GetHeading()):TryMoveAlong(10.0, 128.0) eq.spawn2(334110, 0, 0, mob:GetX(), mob:GetY(), mob:GetZ(), mob:GetHeading()):TryMoveAlong(10.0, 256.0) eq.spawn2(334110, 0, 0, mob:GetX(), mob:GetY(), mob:GetZ(), mob:GetHeading()):TryMoveAlong(10.0, 384.0) eq.depop() end function CheckPortals() portals[334040] = eq.unique_spawn(334034, 0, 0, -254.000000, -348.000000, -775.640015, 198.800004) -- Ilsin portals[334039] = eq.unique_spawn(334113, 0, 0, -227.350693, -330.371887, -775.744202, 200.75) -- Cynin portals[334038] = eq.unique_spawn(334112, 0, 0, -201.000000, -315.000000, -771.000000, 208) -- Scyllus portals[334037] = eq.unique_spawn(334115, 0, 0, 100.360001, -310.549988, -775.650024, 293.200012) -- Britalic portals[334036] = eq.unique_spawn(334114, 0, 0, 128.330002, -325.309998, -775.650024, 301.200012) -- Allin portals[334035] = eq.unique_spawn(334111, 0, 0, 153.787323, -343.277649, -775.744202, 311) -- Kiranus end -- king hooks function KingSpawn(e) king = e.self princecount = 0 eq.unique_spawn(334040, 0, 0, -215.000000, -580.000000, -768.375000, 0.000000) -- Ilsin eq.unique_spawn(334039, 0, 0, -181.529999, -579.500000, -775.599976, 1.6) -- Cynin eq.unique_spawn(334038, 0, 0, -148.000000, -580.000000, -768.375000, 0) -- Scyllus eq.unique_spawn(334037, 0, 0, 59.000000, -580.000000, -768.375000, 0) -- Britalic eq.unique_spawn(334036, 0, 0, 92.400002, -579.369995, -775.599976, 0) -- Allin eq.unique_spawn(334035, 0, 0, 127.000000, -580.000000, -768.375000, 0) -- Kiranus eq.set_timer("tether", 6000) CheckPortals() -- need to verify (#repop can break the encounter loading :P) timerstate[e.self:GetID()] = false end function KingTimer(e) if e.timer == "tether" then CheckLeash(e) elseif e.timer == "portals" then if e.self:IsEngaged() then local portal = portals[eq.ChooseRandom(334040, 334039, 334038, 334037, 334036, 334035)] eq.spawn2(334095, 0, 0, portal:GetX(), portal:GetY(), portal:GetZ(), portal:GetHeading()) else eq.stop_timer("portals") timerstate[e.self:GetID()] = false end end end function KingCombat(e) if e.joined and timerstate[e.self:GetID()] == false then eq.set_timer("portals", 40000) -- 40 sec timerstate[e.self:GetID()] = true -- should we spawn adds? end end function KingDeath(e) king = nil end -- prince hooks function PrinceSpawn(e) eq.set_timer("tether", 6000) timerstate[e.self:GetID()] = false princecount = princecount + 1 end function PrinceTimer(e) if e.timer == "tether" then CheckLeash(e) elseif e.timer == "portals" then if e.self:IsEngaged() then PortalAdds(portals[e.self:GetNPCTypeID()]) else eq.stop_timer("portals") timerstate[e.self:GetID()] = false end end end function PrinceCombat(e) if e.joined and timerstate[e.self:GetID()] == false then eq.set_timer("portals", 40000) -- 40 sec timerstate[e.self:GetID()] = true PortalAdds(portals[e.self:GetNPCTypeID()]) end end function PrinceDeath(e) princecount = princecount - 1 if princecount == 0 then king:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_melee, 0) king:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_magic, 0) king:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, 0) king:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.no_harm_from_client, 0) end end -- other hooks function FeranSpawn(e) eq.set_timer("depop", 270000) -- 4 min 30 sec end function OrbSpawn(e) if king ~= nil then e.self:MoveTo(king:GetX(), king:GetY(), king:GetZ(), 0, true) end eq.set_timer("check_dist", 2000) orbstate[e.self:GetID()] = 0 end --[[ -- Using waypoints isn't working for some reason :( function OrbWaypoint(e) if orbstate[e.self:GetID()] == 0 and king ~= nil then if e.self:CalculateDistance(king:GetX(), king:GetY(), king:GetZ()) <= 10 then local client = eq.get_entity_list():GetRandomClient(-41, -431, -780, 250000) if client.valid then orbstate[e.self:GetID()] = client:GetID() e.self:MoveTo(client:GetX(), client:GetY(), client:GetZ(), 0, true) else ExploadOrb(e.self) -- ahh I guess so? something went wrong so lets just die :P end else -- okay, king is probably active and moved, so lets mvoe to him again! e.self:MoveTo(king:GetX(), king:GetY(), king:GetZ(), 0, true) end else local target = eq.get_entity_list():GetMob(orbstate[e.self:GetID()]) if target.valid then if e.self:CalculateDistance(target:GetX(), target:GetY(), target:GetZ()) <= 3 then ExploadOrb(e.self) else -- must of moved! e.self:MoveTo(target:GetX(), target:GetY(), target:GetZ(), 0, true) end else ExploadOrb(e.self) end end end --]] function CrystalSpawn(e) -- need to enable butterfly effect? eq.set_timer("depop", 420000) -- 7 min e.self:CastSpell(5760, 0) -- Gelaqua's Embrace eq.set_timer("ae", 4000) -- 4 sec end -- All adds use this function, but they don't all have these timers :P function AddTimer(e) if e.timer == "depop" then eq.depop() elseif e.timer == "ae" then e.self:CastSpell(5760, 0) -- Gelaqua's Embrace elseif e.timer == "check_dist" then -- still walking to king if orbstate[e.self:GetID()] == 0 and king ~= nil then -- if he is active, he might of moved, maybe better way to do this e.self:MoveTo(king:GetX(), king:GetY(), king:GetZ(), 0, true) if DistanceToWaypoint(e.self) <= 10 then local client = eq.get_entity_list():GetRandomClient(-41, -431, -780, 250000) -- TODO: fix range if client.valid then orbstate[e.self:GetID()] = client:GetID() e.self:SetRunning(true) e.self:MoveTo(client:GetX(), client:GetY(), client:GetZ(), 0, true) else ExploadOrb(e.self) -- ahh I guess so? something went wrong so lets just die :P end end else local target = eq.get_entity_list():GetMob(orbstate[e.self:GetID()]) if target.valid then e.self:MoveTo(target:GetX(), target:GetY(), target:GetZ(), 0, true) if DistanceToWaypoint(e.self) <= 3 then ExploadOrb(e.self) end else ExploadOrb(e.self) end end end end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.spawn, 334041, KingSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.timer, 334041, KingTimer) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.combat, 334041, KingCombat) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.death_complete, 334041, KingDeath) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.spawn, 334040, PrinceSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.spawn, 334039, PrinceSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.spawn, 334038, PrinceSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.spawn, 334037, PrinceSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.spawn, 334036, PrinceSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.spawn, 334035, PrinceSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.timer, 334040, PrinceTimer) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.timer, 334039, PrinceTimer) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.timer, 334038, PrinceTimer) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.timer, 334037, PrinceTimer) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.timer, 334036, PrinceTimer) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.timer, 334035, PrinceTimer) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.combat, 334040, PrinceCombat) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.combat, 334039, PrinceCombat) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.combat, 334038, PrinceCombat) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.combat, 334037, PrinceCombat) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.combat, 334036, PrinceCombat) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.combat, 334035, PrinceCombat) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.death_complete, 334040, PrinceDeath) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.death_complete, 334039, PrinceDeath) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.death_complete, 334038, PrinceDeath) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.death_complete, 334037, PrinceDeath) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.death_complete, 334036, PrinceDeath) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.death_complete, 334035, PrinceDeath) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.spawn, 334094, FeranSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.timer, 334094, AddTimer) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.spawn, 334095, OrbSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.timer, 334095, AddTimer) --eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.waypoint_arrive, 334095, OrbWaypoint) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.spawn, 334110, CrystalSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("king", Event.timer, 334110, AddTimer) -- spawn portals CheckPortals() local temp = eq.get_entity_list():GetMobByNpcTypeID(334041) -- incase he's up already for some reason if temp.valid then queen = temp:CastToNPC() else queen = nil end end function event_encounter_unload(e) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022