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Warrior_Spirit_Chalex.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Warrior Spirit Chalex # Illusion: Guktan, good quest: http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=2605 # added 2009 BWstripes - because we can! # # Mob info: http://eqbeastiary.allakhazam.com/search.shtml?id=12808 # L50 Undead Froglok (old) wielding quest item Marr's Retribution # spawns after handing the Marr's Retribution to "a pile of froglok remains." sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::emote("appears emanating a powerful yet ghastly aura."); #Text modified as quest::echo not working quest::say("Your kindness has given me a chance to finish that which I started. While I thank thee for restoring my blade and bringing it to me, I am not worthy to wield it until I have destroyed the one who killed me. Please hold my sword until I have redeemed myself by vanquishing the vile Troll Captain Krignok."); quest::settimer(5,600); # 10 minute timer, then just depop quest::settimer(1,4); # 4s break for the text quest::settimer(2,10); # 15s break for the shouts quest::settimer(3,15); # 25s break for the chaos } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer == 1) { quest::say("Now, I must ask that you protect me, I can feel his presence close by and once again he is not alone."); quest::moveto(-1950.1,2713.3,3.3); # Wander over to spawnpoint This is slightly improvised as there is no mob location data. quest::stoptimer(1); } if ($timer == 2) { quest::shout("Come forth coward, this time we fight on equal terms!"); my $entid = quest::spawn2(50331,0,0,-1960.1,2713.3,3.3,298); # Spawn Troll Captain Krignok - even whilst writing this, "unmatched paladin", lol. I had to nerf Krignok so Chalek would win. my $mob = $entity_list->GetMobID($entid); # This little section adds Warrior_spirit_chalex to the hatelist - thanks, Itchy for the example. my $mobnpc = $mob->CastToNPC(); # Shamelessly lifted from iceclad/a_lost_pirate.pl $mobnpc->AddToHateList($npc, 1); quest::stoptimer(2); } if ($timer == 3) { quest::shout("Give it up Krignok, you are outmatched when facing a paladin of Mithaniel Marr!"); quest::stoptimer(3); } if ($timer == 5) { quest::stoptimer(5); quest::depop(); } } sub EVENT_COMBAT { if ($combat_state == 0) { quest::stoptimer(5); quest::depop(); quest::spawn2(50330,0,0,$x,$y,$z,$h); # Spawn Chalex_the_Redeemed } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022