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Sentry_Joanna.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
######################################################### # Sentry Joanna # Zone: Rathe Mountains # Quest: Gauntlets of Ro # Author: Unknown # Updated: Andrew80k ######################################################### # items: 12312, 12302 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Love and passion to you. my friend. Seek you the [Gauntlets of Ro]? If not. then I offer you the safety of this camp."); } if($text=~/gauntlets of ro/i){ if ($faction <=4) { quest::say("I will give you the mold. but first you will complete a task in the name of Erollisi Marr. My fellow Sentry. Alechin. was bitten by a wolf while he journeyed to Qeynos. He now turns into a werewolf at night. forced to kill innocent travelers. Go toward Qeynos. Release him from life and his curse and return his locket to me."); } else { quest::say("Erollisi would not approve of our alliance. not yet at least. Go to Freeport and serve the Temple of Marr. When you can ask Gygus Remnara if you are an [honored member] and have him answer yes. then we can join forces."); } } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,12312 => 1) && $faction <=4 ){ quest::say("Thank you my friend. It is good to see him free at last. I shall miss him. Here now is the mold of gauntlets as promised. Go and speak with Thomas for information about [Lord Searfire]."); quest::summonitem("12302"); quest::faction("281","1"); #Knights of Truth quest::faction("330","-1"); #Freeport Militia quest::faction("362","1"); #Priests of Marr } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:rathemtn ID:50111 -- Sentry_Joanna
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022