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Kazzel_D-Leryt.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
######################################################### # Kazzel D`Leryt (ID:50272) # Zone: Rathe Mountains (rathemtn) # Quest: The Etched Stone # Author: a_sewer_rat ######################################################### # items: 10191, 10192, 10147, 10218, 10196, 10193, 10194, 10197, 15692 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Finally, a servant worthy of my needs! Apparently you are of high status, which perhaps means you might know a master [jeweler] capable of faceting a very magical, yet fragile stone?"); } if($text=~/jeweler/i){ quest::say("You must provide me with 2000 platinum pieces as a deposit, then you must take this stone to a master jeweler or [Darfumpel], have it faceted and return it to me along with an orb of pure crystal, a gold necklace the color of snow, and the [blood of Xenyari]. Do that and I will provide you with magic beyond that of most knights of darkness."); } if($text=~/darfumpel/i){ quest::say("Darfumpel is a gnomish shopkeeper here in the Rathe Mountains. He apparently has a new technique for gemcutting, however, he will not deal with me due to my affiliation with necromancy. Speak with him. Perhaps he might be willing to aid you for a price, but make sure you hide your true nature. He despises dark magic."); } if($text=~/blood of xenyari/i){ quest::say("Xenyari is a druid who inhabits these parts. She is rarely seen, however, I require a droplet of her blood. Here is the catch though, and one for which you may be well suited if you desire magic of the knights of darkness - Xenyari must give of herself willingly. In other words, you cannot take her blood by force. Rather, she must give you her blood of her own accord."); } } ############################################################# #Handin # 2000pp #Reward # 10191 : Uncut Hyacinth (from 13th floor) ############################################################# #Handin # 10192 : Faceted Hyacinth (from 13th floor) # 10147 : White Gold Necklace (from 13th floor) # 10218 : Crystalline Orb (from 13th floor) # 10196 : Bloodied piece of Parchment (from 13th floor) #Reward # 10193 : Faceted Hyacinth Telesm (from 13th floor) ############################################################# #Handin # 10194 : Pulsating Hyacinth Telesm #Reward # A Monstrous Zombie attacks you =) ############################################################# #Handin # 10197 : Monstrous Zombie Heart (from 13th floor) #Reward # 15692 : Spell: Life Leech (from 13th floor) ############################################################# sub EVENT_ITEM { if($platinum>=2000) { quest::say("Very well, $name. Take this gem to a master jeweler and return it to me with the other three items."); quest::summonitem(10191); # Item: Uncut Hyacinth } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,10192=>1,10147=>1,10218=>1,10196=>1)) { quest::say("You are quite cunning. After I fashion this telesm, take it back to Xenyari. She would 'enjoy' another 'gift,' eh?"); quest::summonitem(10193); # Item: Faceted Hyacinth Telesm } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,10194=>1)) { quest::emote("laughs heartily and whispers to you, 'Well done, worm, your servitude to my will has now expired...'"); quest::exp(25000); quest::unique_spawn(50335,0,0,$x,$y,$z); #spawn a_monstrous_zombie } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,10197=>1)) { quest::say("Oh! Umm... Well, I was just playing with you. Certainly you know I was joking! We had a deal and I will abide by the terms of our agreement. Here is my payment for your services. Bye.."); quest::summonitem(15692); # Item: Spell: Life Leech quest::exp(25000); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:rathemtn ID:50272 -- Kazzel_D-Leryt
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022