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Brother_Zephyl.pl - Quest File
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# items: 12317, 10133, 12315, 12256 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Greetings. I am one with the [Lost Circle]. You have found me. What is it you desire?"); } if($text=~/lost circle/i) { quest::say("The [monks of the Whistling Fist] are called the Lost Circle by others. We are an ancient league of monks. Long forgotten and few yet remain. Within this realm there are only two. [Brother Qwinn] and I. We seek the items stolen from us. I seek the [idol of Zan Fi]."); } if($text=~/interested monk/i) { quest::say("Then venture to the lands of evil. The swamps of the trolls and ogres. There, seek out a monk called Raster. He has the idol. You will return here and wait for my reappearance. When we meet again, you shall hand me the idol and a red sash earned from the Ashen Order. Do so and you shall be closer to joining the brotherhood."); } if($text=~/idol of zan fi/i) { quest::say("The idol of Zan Fi is a totem that is sacred to our brotherhood. I cannot share its secrets, but I can offer to you a reward for its return. Are you an [interested monk]?"); } if($text=~/brother qwinn/i) { quest::say("Brother Qwinn is searching for one who can return the [Code of the Whistling Fist]. I believe he is in the vicinity of the Plains of Karana."); } if($text=~/code of the whistling fist/i) { quest::say("The tome called the Code of the Whistling Fist has been stolen from [Brother Qwinn]. It contains many secrets pertaining to our brotherhood. Thankfully, it is magically locked and only a Zan Fi master could unlock it. Still, Qwinn must see its safe return."); } if($text=~/return the sash/i) { quest::say("Very well. Give to me that which you have been rewarded or the robe, if you have a tailored one."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 12317 => 1, 10133 => 1)) { #The Idol, Red Sash of Order quest::say("We had an agreement. The proof of a skilled monk, the red sash, and the idol of Zan Fi."); quest::say("We thank you for the return of the idol of Zan Fi. Take this rare robe pattern. You shall find it useful should you aid [Brother Qwinn] in his quest. His item, the rare robe pattern, a swatch of shadow silk and a scroll containing Jonathan's Whistling Warsong. Into a sewing kit they will be going. And into the brotherhood will you. I hope you do not wish me to [return the sash]."); quest::summonitem(12315); #Rare Robe Pattern quest::exp(200); } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 12315 => 1)) { #Rare Robe Pattern quest::summonitem(10133); #Red Sash of Order } elsif (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 12256 => 1)) { #Robe of the Lost Circle quest::summonitem(10133); #Red Sash of Order } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:rathemtn ID:50021 -- Brother_Zephyl
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022