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Shezlie_Furscale.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 3056, 10032, 14777, 14778, 4989, 3062, 10035, 14773, 14774, 4985, 3063, 10033, 14775, 14776, 4987, 3053, 10034, 14771, 14772, 4990 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Be careful around here. $name. Injured broodlings are no use to anyone. Many of these structures are yet unstable and could fall at any time. If you're a mystic, I can teach you how to [protect] yourself."); } if($text=~/protect/i) { quest::say("Yes indeed. As a broodling, you will need some protection to avoid any... unfortunate accidents. Should you wish, I can fashion some [armor] for you from some basic components. Provided you risk your life gathering them for me first."); } if($text=~/armor/i) { quest::say("Armor, indeed. I can fashion protection for your [chest], [hands], [legs], or [head]."); } if($text=~/chest/i) { quest::say("To make a breastplate for you, you will have to bring me some banded mail, a star ruby, some watchman's spectacles, and some nectar of isolation. Now hurry back."); } if($text=~/hands/i) { quest::say("For gauntlets, I will need some banded gauntlets, a ruby, some venomous parchment, and a warlord drawing pen."); } if($text=~/legs/i) { quest::say("If you want to protect your legs with some greaves, then bring me some banded leggings, a fire emerald, a sarnak recruitment letter, and an exiled iksar head."); } if($text=~/head/i) { quest::say("For a helment, bring me a banded helm, a sapphire, Bargynn's Digger, and Sythrax building plans."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 3056 => 1, 10032 => 1, 14777 => 1, 14778 => 1)) { quest::say("Ah. Very good. Take this breastplate for your own good."); quest::summonitem(4989); #scaled mystic breastplate quest::exp(2000); quest::faction(445,10); # Faction: Scaled Mystics quest::faction(441,5); # Faction: Legion of Cabilis quest::faction(440,5); # Faction: Cabilis Residents quest::ding(); } if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 3062 => 1, 10035 => 1, 14773 => 1, 14774 => 1)) { quest::say("Hmmm? Oh. Your gauntlets. Yes. Here you are. Now be careful."); quest::summonitem(4985); #scaled mystic gauntlets quest::exp(1000); quest::faction(445,10); # Faction: Scaled Mystics quest::faction(441,5); # Faction: Legion of Cabilis quest::faction(440,5); # Faction: Cabilis Residents quest::ding(); } if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 3063 => 1, 10033 => 1, 14775 => 1, 14776 => 1)) { quest::say("Ahhh yes. These will protect your legs from the threat of tables."); quest::summonitem(4987); #scaled mystic greaves quest::exp(1000); quest::faction(445,10); # Faction: Scaled Mystics quest::faction(441,5); # Faction: Legion of Cabilis quest::faction(440,5); # Faction: Cabilis Residents quest::ding(); } if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 3053 => 1, 10034 => 1, 14771 => 1, 14772 => 1)) { quest::say("Take this helment and keep your head down when you leave. The door is a little low."); quest::summonitem(4990); #scaled mystic helm quest::exp(1000); quest::faction(445,10); # Faction: Scaled Mystics quest::faction(441,5); # Faction: Legion of Cabilis quest::faction(440,5); # Faction: Cabilis Residents quest::ding(); } } #END of FILE Zone:cabeast ID:5756 -- Shezlie_Furscale
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022