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Sarth_Scarscale.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#Iksar low- to mid-level armor quests. This is for the Shadowknight. #In order for this to work, must add: Drixie Wings (Item 14827) to Lady Chromoire (both instances) in Firiona Vie as a 50% probability 100% drop on it's own LootDrop. # items: 14824, 3061, 10034, 4971, 14829, 14820, 3063, 10032, 4973, 14827, 3054, 10033, 4975, 12982, 14821, 3056, 10035, 4969 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i) { quest::emote("hisses at you loudly. 'So, you bear the [mantle of a crusader], yes? I am known as Sarth and shall reward you, provided you prove your worthiness to our cause, child of Rile.'"); } if($text=~/mantle of a crusader/i){ quest::say("We shall see if you are worthy of that. I shall make [armor] for you, to aid you in your service to our Father. I specialize in the forging of [bracers], [greaves], [masks], and [breastplates]. Sirtha makes the other items of armor. Take care when you address her, hatchling. It would not be the first time a hatchling has left here with scars."); } if($text=~/armor/i){ quest::say("Yes, I shall make [armor] for you, to aid you in your service to our Father. I specialize in the forging of [bracers], [greaves], [masks], and [breastplates]. Sirtha makes the other items of armor. Take care when you address her, hatchling. It would not be the first time a hatchling has left here with scars."); } if($text=~/bracers/i){ quest::say("Have you ever seen Bloodgills? I hear they will devour a broodling in seconds and that their scales are tough as iron. Bring me some of these scales, a banded bracer, and a sapphire as blue as the sky. Only then will I give the bracer to you, broodling."); } if($text=~/greaves/i){ quest::say("Do you know the beasts that call themselves sarnaks? One such beast who calls itself Zorash attacked an envoy of merchants who were to deliver a pair of special boots to me. It taunts us by wearing them as a trophy. Bring them back and the skull of Grachnist, his goblin ally. Return them to me along with a star ruby and your banded greaves, and I shall craft you an excellent pair of greaves."); } if($text=~/mask/i){ quest::say("Have you ever encountered a drixie before? I crush every one I see. They are an annoyance beyond mere words! Kill the Queen and bring me her wings as a trophy along with an emerald of fire and a banded mask."); } if($text=~/breastplate/i){ quest::say("Ahhhh....a breastplate you want, is it? Well, they are not easy to come by. Fetch me a scorpion chitin. Intact, mind you! They are extremely fragile and must be treated before they can protect your carcass. Also, fetch me a war braid from a sarnak to connect the pieces. I also require a ruby and your banded tunic. Do this and I shall make it for you, hatchling. Now, go!"); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { #Dreadscale Bracer for: Scale=14824 Bracer=3061 Sapphire=10034 if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,14824=>1,3061=>1,10034=>1)) { quest::say("Well done! Here is the item we agreed upon. May Cazic's glorious curses flow through you!"); quest::summonitem(4971); # Item: Dreadscale Bracer } #Dreadscale Greaves for: Boots=14829 Head=14820 Greaves=3063 StarRuby=10032 elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,14829=>1,14820=>1,3063=>1,10032=>1)) { quest::say("Well done! Here is the item we agreed upon. May Cazic's glorious curses flow through you!"); quest::summonitem(4973); # Item: Dreadscale Greaves } #Dreadscale Mask for: Wings=14827 Mask=3054 FireEmerald=10033 elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,14827=>1,3054=>1,10033=>1)) { quest::say("Well done! Here is the item we agreed upon. May Cazic's glorious curses flow through you!"); quest::summonitem(4975); # Item: Dreadscale Mask } #Dreadscale Breastplate for: Braid=12982 Chitin=14821 Breastplate=3056 Ruby=10035 elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,12982=>1,14821=>1,3056=>1,10035=>1)) { quest::say("Well done! Here is the item we agreed upon. May Cazic's glorious curses flow through you!"); quest::summonitem(4969); # Item: Dreadscale Breastplate } else { plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); return 1; } quest::exp(10000); quest::ding(); } #END of FILE Zone:cabeast ID:106011 -- Sarth_Scarscale
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022