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#Trigger_Qinimi_1.pl - Quest File
General Info
Quest File
my @player_list = (); my $event_started = 0; my $counter = 0; sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::set_proximity($x-20,$x+20,$y-20,$y+20, -999999, 999999, 1); quest::enable_proximity_say(); } sub EVENT_PROXIMITY_SAY { if (($text=~/i wish to enter/i) && $oncursor{67415}) { #Stone of Entry if (!$event_started && $entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(281118)) { #Pixtt_Tixxrt_Kvrok (NoTarget) $group = $entity_list->GetGroupByClient($client); if ($group) { for ($count = 0; $count < $group->GroupCount(); $count++) { push (@player_list, $group->GetMember($count)->GetName()); } quest::movegrp(281,-1700,-1100,-4); quest::settimer(1,370); #Event timer of 6 minutes + 10 seconds prep time quest::settimer(2,10); #Start event in 10 seconds $event_started = 1; } else { $client->Message(15,"Maybe you should consider joining a group first."); } } else { $client->Message(15,"Mystical forces prevent you from entering at this time."); } } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer == 1) { #group fail quest::stoptimer(1); quest::ze(15,"Understand that the punishment for spying is death! Kreshin Silentcog is now executed! All Hail Pixtt Xictic Krvne!"); quest::depopall(281114); #a_chamber_guardian quest::depopall(281117); #Trixxrt`s_Guardsman quest::depopall(281123); #Pixtt_Tixxrt_Kvrok quest::depopall(281119); #Executioner_Hexxt_Xocik REMOVE_PLAYERS(); $event_started = 0; $counter = 0; } if ($timer == 2) { #starts event quest::stoptimer(2); quest::depopall(281115); #a_chamber_guardian (NoTarget) quest::spawn2(281114,0,0,-1675,-1151,-15,418); #a_chamber_guardian quest::spawn2(281114,0,0,-1666,-1140,-15,438); #a_chamber_guardian quest::spawn2(281114,0,0,-1691,-1169,-15,460); #a_chamber_guardian } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if ($signal == 1) { #Signal from a_chamber_guardian $counter += 1; if($counter == 3) { quest::depopall(281120); #a_chamber_guardian (NoTarget) quest::spawn2(281114,0,0,-1702,-993,-15,278); #a_chamber_guardian quest::spawn2(281114,0,0,-1686,-999,-15,286); #a_chamber_guardian quest::spawn2(281114,0,0,-1662,-1012,-15,328); #a_chamber_guardian } if ($counter == 6) { quest::depopall(281121); #a_chamber_guardian (NoTarget) quest::spawn2(281114,0,0,-1778,-1167,-15,26); #a_chamber_guardian quest::spawn2(281114,0,0,-1804,-1155,-15,52); #a_chamber_guardian quest::spawn2(281114,0,0,-1829,-1102,-15,102); #a_chamber_guardian } if ($counter == 9) { quest::depopall(281118); #Pixtt_Tixxrt_Kvrok (NoTarget) quest::depopall(281122); #Trixxrt`s_Guardsman (NoTarget) quest::spawn2(281123,0,0,-1741,-1078,-4.8,253); #Pixtt_Tixxrt_Kvrok quest::spawn2(281117,0,0,-1690,-1080,-14.4,386.6); #Trixxrt`s_Guardsman quest::spawn2(281117,0,0,-1788,-1079,-14.5,134); #Trixxrt`s_Guardsman } } if ($signal == 2) { #Signal from Executioner_Hexxt_Xocik quest::stoptimer(1); } if ($signal == 3) { #Signal from Kreshin_Silentcog on event success REMOVE_PLAYERS(); $event_started = 0; $counter = 0; } } sub REMOVE_PLAYERS { foreach $player (@player_list) { $pc = $entity_list->GetClientByName($player); if ($pc) { $pc->MovePC(281,-1053,438,-16,2); # Zone: qinimi } } @player_list = (); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022