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Mystik.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- Monk Epic 1.5/2.0 (Prequest) function event_say(e) local client_globals = eq.get_qglobals(e.other) local mnk_pre = tonumber(client_globals["MnkPre"]); if (mnk_pre == nil) then mnk_pre = 0; end if (mnk_pre == 1) then if (e.message:findi("hail")) then e.self:Say("I see you bear the Sign of Acceptance. So you believe you are strong enough to accomplish all that is asked of you? If you stand true during this [" .. eq.say_link("test") .. "] you will find all you seek."); elseif(e.message:findi("test")) then e.self:Say("In this test you will have to face me and prove that you have the heart to succeed. I hope you have brought strong allies to accompany you for you shall need them. We shall begin as soon as you are [" .. eq.say_link("ready to start") .. "]."); elseif(e.message:findi("ready to start")) then e.self:Say("I didnt know slime could speak common.. go back to the sewer before I lose my temper."); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(19,0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(20,0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24,0); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(25,0); eq.attack(e.other:GetName()); end end end function event_death_complete(e) e.self:Say("You have proven to be successful. Go now and continue your journey."); end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022