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Coirnav_the_Avatar_of_Water.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#216048 - Fake (But still aggressive) Corirnav_the_Avatar_of_Water sub EVENT_SPAWN { if(defined $qglobals{coirnav_done}) { #deleted global when i respawn because my respawn can be shorter than 5 days quest::delglobal("coirnav_done"); } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if($signal == 1){ #First wave emote quest::shout("Those that violate my domain will pay. I call upon the power imbued to me by Povar! Come forth my minions of vapor and destroy these intruders."); } elsif($signal == 2){ #Second wave emote quest::shout("Those that violate my domain will pay. I call upon the power imbued to me by E`ci! Come forth my minions of ice and destroy these intruders."); } elsif($signal == 3){ #Third wave emote quest::shout("Those that violate my domain will pay. I call upon the power imbued to me by Tarew Marr! Come forth minions of water and destroy these intruders."); } elsif($signal == 7){ #Event kickout emote quest::shout("Violaters of this plane be banished from this domain!"); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022