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player.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_CLICKDOOR { # gm can always use the door # used status > 79 because that is what bothunder/player.pl used if($status > 79 && ($doorid == 2 || $doorid == 3 || $doorid == 4 || $doorid == 5)) { quest::movepc(214,278,178,2); # Zone: potactics } else { #vallon's doors if($doorid == 2 || $doorid == 3) { #check if Vallon is up if(!$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(214083)) { quest::movepc(214,278,178,2); # Zone: potactics } } #tallon's doors if($doorid == 4 || $doorid == 5) { #check if Tallon is up if(!$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(214026)) { quest::movepc(214,278,178,2); # Zone: potactics } } #Glykus_Helmir door if($doorid == 25) { #check if Glykus_Helmir is up if(!$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(214053)) { quest::movepc(203,-4,-191,-628); # Zone: potranquility } } #Tagrin_Maldric door if($doorid == 26) { #check if Glykus_Helmir is up if(!$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(214054)) { quest::movepc(203,-4,-191,-628); # Zone: potranquility } } } } sub EVENT_LOOT { if ($class eq "Magician" && $looted_id == 16807) { if (defined($qglobals{mage_epic_fire1}) && $qglobals{mage_epic_fire1} == 1) { if (!defined($qglobals{mage_epic_potchest})) { quest::setglobal("mage_epic_potchest", "1", 5, "F"); $x = $client->GetX(); $y = $client->GetY(); $z = $client->GetZ(); quest::spawn2(283157,0,0,$x,$y,$z,0); # NPC: a_chest } return 0; } else { return 1; } } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022