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Quest File
sub EVENT_ENTERZONE { if (quest::istaskcompleted(138) == 0 && quest::istaskactive(138) == 0) #Check if completed Task: New Beginnings { quest::assigntask(138); #Force assign Task: New Beginnings } set_current_position(); quest::settimer("check_idle", 1200); } sub EVENT_CLICKDOOR { my $popuptext = "If you do not respond within 5 seconds, you will automatically be sent to the overhauled version."; if ($doorid == 138) #guild lobby { if ($client->CalculateDistance(1408, -377, -113) <= 30) { if (($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 4294967264) != 0) { quest::MovePCInstance(344, 5, 18, -46, 6, 450); # Zone: guildlobby } else { quest::movepc(344, 18, -46, 6, 492); # Zone: guildlobby } } } if ($doorid == 139) #bazaar { if ($client->CalculateDistance(1452, 347, -113) <= 30) { quest::movepc(151, -425, 0, -25, 65); # Zone: bazaar } } if ($doorid == 19) { #$zonename = "Innothule Swamp"; #if(($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 3)!= 0) #062/Titanium #{ # quest::movepc(46,-34,-721,-27,221.21); #} #elsif(($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 4294967264)!= 0) #RoF+ #{ # quest::movepc(413,-361,-462,5); #} #else #SoF/SoD/UF #{ #quest::popup("$zonename","Send you to the Classic $zonename? $popuptext",2,1); #quest::settimer(2,5); quest::movepc(46, -34, -721, -27, 221.21); # Zone: innothule #} } if ($doorid == 22) #erud { #$zonename = "Toxxulia Forest"; #if(($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 3)!= 0) #062/Titanium #{ # quest::movepc(38,296,-2330,-45.4,127); #} #elsif(($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 4294967264)!= 0) #RoF+ #{ # quest::movepc(414,248,-1684,33,88); #} #else #SoF/SoD/UF #{ # quest::popup("$zonename","Send you to the Classic $zonename? $popuptext",3,1); # quest::settimer(3,5); #} quest::movepc(38, 296, -2330, -45.4, 127); # Zone: tox } if ($doorid == 32) #paineel { #$zonename = "Toxxulia Forest"; #if(($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 3)!= 0) #062/Titanium #{ # quest::movepc(38,-569,2325,-43.4,39); #} #elsif(($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 4294967264)!= 0) #RoF+ #{ # quest::movepc(414,-1801,1907,119,195.5); #} #else #SoF/SoD/UF #{ # quest::popup("$zonename","Send you to the Classic $zonename? $popuptext",4,1); # quest::settimer(4,5); #} quest::movepc(38, -569, 2325, -43.4, 39); # Zone: tox } if ($doorid == 24) { #$zonename = "Steamfont Mountains"; #if(($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 3)!= 0) #062/Titanium #{ # quest::movepc(56,933.79,-1358,-109); #} #elsif(($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 4294967264)!= 0) #RoF+ #{ # quest::movepc(448,940,-1122,5,98); #} #else #SoF/SoD/UF #{ # quest::popup("$zonename","Send you to the Classic $zonename? $popuptext",5,1); # quest::settimer(5,5); quest::movepc(56, 933.79, -1358, -109); # Zone: steamfont #} } if ($doorid == 25) { #$zonename = "Freeport West"; #if(($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 3)!= 0) #062/Titanium #{ # quest::movepc(9,77.31,-660.57,-30.24); #} #elsif(($client->GetClientVersionBit() & 4294967264)!= 0) #RoF+ #{ # quest::movepc(383,-173,-188,-69,192); #} #else #SoF/SoD/UF #{ # quest::popup("$zonename","Send you to the Classic $zonename? $popuptext",6,1); # quest::settimer(6,5); quest::movepc(9, 77.31, -660.57, -30.24); # Zone: freportw #} } } sub EVENT_POPUPRESPONSE { if ($popupid == 2) { quest::movepc(46, -34, -721, -27, 221.21); # Zone: innothule } if ($popupid == 3) { quest::movepc(38, 296, -2330, -45.4, 127); # Zone: tox } if ($popupid == 4) { quest::movepc(38, -569, 2325, -43.4, 39); # Zone: tox } if ($popupid == 5) { quest::movepc(56, 933.79, -1358, -109); # Zone: steamfont } if ($popupid == 6) { quest::movepc(9, 77.31, -660.57, -30.24); # Zone: freportw } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer == 2) { quest::movepc(413, -361, -462, 5); # Zone: innothuleb } if ($timer == 3) { quest::movepc(414, 248, -1684, 33, 88); # Zone: toxxulia } if ($timer == 4) { quest::movepc(414, -1801, 1907, 119, 195.5); # Zone: toxxulia } if ($timer == 5) { quest::movepc(448, 940, -1122, 5, 98); # Zone: steamfontmts } if ($timer == 6) { quest::movepc(383, -173, -188, -69, 192); # Zone: freeportwest } if ($timer eq "check_idle") { my $last_x = $client->GetEntityVariable("last_x"); my $last_y = $client->GetEntityVariable("last_y"); my $is_idle = ($last_x eq $client->GetX() && $last_y eq $client->GetY()); if ($is_idle && $uguild_id > 0) { $client->SendToGuildHall(); } set_current_position(); } } sub set_current_position() { $client->SetEntityVariable("last_x", $client->GetX()); $client->SetEntityVariable("last_y", $client->GetY()); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022