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Primalist_Saosith.pl - Quest File
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#Primalist Saosith.pl #Beastlord PoP Spells # items: 29112, 28544, 28545, 21629, 28547, 28548, 29131, 28549, 28550, 21630, 28551, 28552, 29132, 28553, 28554 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Welcome, traveler, to New Tanaan. All citizens of New Tanaan have come together in welcoming Norrath's curious travelers who crave knowledge and a path to better themselves individually. What little help I alone can offer is extended to the Beastlords of Norrath, for as I was once one of them in a time long since past. If you are a Beastlord, then perhaps what spells that I have penned, though neither unique nor rare to your world, would be of use. If through your endeavors upon the planes you happen to come across fledgling manuscripts -- similar to those upon which a spell or song is scribed -- then you may return them to me if you wish. I am quite versed in the ways of planar magics relating to the Beastlord's focus."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 29112 => 1)) { #Ethereal Parchment quest::say("The magic you have given me is quite potent, it should be a simple task to use primal forces to focus its magic into a spell."); quest::emote("closes her eyes and the object glows slightly in her hands."); quest::say("Here, I hope this will prove of some use to you."); quest::summonitem(quest::ChooseRandom(28544, 28545, 21629, 28547, 28548)); #Level 61 or 62 Beastlord spell, PoP (Spirit of Arag, Infusion of Spirit, Healing of Sorsha, Scorpion Venom, Spiritual Vigor) } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 29131 => 1)) { #Spectral Parchment quest::say("The magic you have given me is quite potent, it should be a simple task to use primal forces to focus its magic into a spell."); quest::emote("closes her eyes and the object glows slightly in her hands."); quest::say("Here, I hope this will prove of some use to you."); quest::summonitem(quest::ChooseRandom(28549, 28550, 21630, 28551, 28552)); #Level 63 or 64 Beastlord spell, PoP (Arag's Celerity, Spirit of Rellic, Frost Spear, Spiritual Dominion, Spirit of Sorsha) } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 29132 => 1)) { #Glyphed Rune Word quest::say("The magic you have given me is quite potent, it should be a simple task to use primal forces to focus its magic into a spell."); quest::emote("closes her eyes and the object glows slightly in her hands."); quest::say("Here, I hope this will prove of some use to you."); quest::summonitem(quest::ChooseRandom(28553, 28554)); #Level 65 Beastlord spell, PoP (Sha's Revenge, Ferocity) } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022