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Galdorin_Visigothe.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 9590 my $count = 0; sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::settimer("song",5); } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { quest::say("Ack, I need somethin' light to clear the taste of salt from my mouth."); } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 9590 => 1)) { quest::say("Hello. Please pardon me, but. . . Hmm, what do we have here? It says that you wish me to cease and desist spreading slander about the swashbuckler known as Stanos, or else . . .? I'd hardly place him in the 'swashbuckling' category, friend. Let's not sugercoat it. He's more of a scoundrel or smuggler or sniveling scumsucking slimeball. I can't believe you would have the nerve to come in here and threaten my right to say what I wish. My very livelihood depends upon my being able to speak freely to entertain the visitors of this tavern. I'll not be threatened by you, brute. Fight me if you dare!'"); $npc->SetSpecialAbility(19,0); $npc->SetSpecialAbility(20,0); $npc->SetSpecialAbility(21,0); $npc->SetSpecialAbility(24,0); $npc->SetSpecialAbility(25,0); $npc->AddToHateList($client, 1); } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } sub EVENT_TIMER { $count++; if ($count == 1) { quest::say("On one sunny afternoon, I sawr a dwarf a'wanderin'"); } if ($count == 2) { quest::say("He was staggerin' and mumblin' and fallin'."); } if ($count == 3) { quest::say("I caught up and asked him if he needed help,"); } if ($count == 4) { quest::say("And he turned and yelled as loud as he's stout:"); } if ($count == 5) { quest::say("Git yer flowery songs from my ear,"); } if ($count == 6) { quest::say("The light notes will soil me beer!"); } if ($count == 7) { quest::say("And if ye don't turn and run fast,"); } if ($count == 8) { quest::say("I'll drown yer feet in what I ate last!"); quest::settimer("song",300); } if ($count == 9) { quest::say("Norrath is so great and so dear"); quest::settimer("song",5); } if ($count == 10) { quest::say("With all the folk that live here:"); } if ($count == 11) { quest::say("Dwarves make lots of ale"); } if ($count == 12) { quest::say("High elves are too pale"); } if ($count == 13) { quest::say("Trolls are slimy and green"); } if ($count == 14) { quest::say("Ogres are very unclean"); } if ($count == 15) { quest::say("Gnomes can make things tick"); } if ($count == 16) { quest::say("Halflings, masters of the trick"); } if ($count == 17) { quest::say("Iksar get by with scales"); } if ($count == 18) { quest::say("Vah Shir oft' use their tails"); } if ($count == 19) { quest::say("Humans are very plain"); } if ($count == 20) { quest::say("Dark elves deal out pain"); } if ($count == 21) { quest::say("Frogloks are smarter now"); } if ($count == 22) { quest::say("Erudites, the highest brow"); } if ($count == 23) { quest::say("Half elves have no city"); } if ($count == 24) { quest::say("Wood elves are so pretty"); } if ($count == 25) { quest::say("The last Norrathians I'm told"); } if ($count == 26) { quest::say("Are barbarians who love the cold."); } if ($count == 27) { quest::say("All these folk share these lands,"); } if ($count == 28) { quest::say("Putting it in very good hands."); quest::settimer("song",300); } if ($count == 29) { quest::say("In the dark of the fearless night,"); quest::settimer("song",5); } if ($count == 30) { quest::say("Fantastic stories retold by torchlight."); } if ($count == 31) { quest::say("A tale of a rogue of great prowess."); } if ($count == 32) { quest::say("An enchanter as his revered mistress."); } if ($count == 33) { quest::say("Then there's a shadow knight who found the two,"); } if ($count == 34) { quest::say("He swore to them he would always be true."); } if ($count == 35) { quest::say("Some say they were brought together by chance,"); } if ($count == 36) { quest::say("Others think that it was circumstance."); } if ($count == 37) { quest::say("No matter how they came to be the closest three,"); } if ($count == 38) { quest::say("They are the greatest adventurers that will ever be."); quest::settimer("song",300); } if ($count == 39){ quest::say("Tra-la-la and a-diddly-dee."); quest::settimer("song",5); } if ($count == 40) { quest::say("The gnome bit the ogre on the knee."); } if ($count == 41) { quest::say("Tra-la-la and a-diddly-dum."); } if ($count == 42) { quest::say("The ogre bit off the gnome's thumb."); } if ($count == 43) { quest::say("Then the ogre said as he turned to me,"); } if ($count == 44) { quest::say("Dat fer singin' 'Tra-la-la and a-diddly-dee.'"); quest::settimer("song",295); } if ($count == 45) { $count = 0; quest::settimer("song",5); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022