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Galadra_Pershan.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_WAYPOINT_ARRIVE { if(($wp == 1) || ($wp == 9) || ($wp == 27) || ($wp == 42) || ($wp == 51)) { quest::say("Is there anything I can get for you gentlemen tonight? Perhaps a light ale, or maybe some malt beer?"); } if(($wp == 2) || ($wp == 10) || ($wp == 28) || ($wp == 43) || ($wp == 52)) { quest::say("Alright, I've got your order, I'll be right back with your drinks."); } if(($wp == 5) || ($wp == 19) || ($wp == 37) || ($wp == 46) || ($wp == 61)) { quest::say("Here are the drinks you ordered, I'll put them on your tab, just pay at the counter on your way out."); } if($wp == 1) { quest::signal(279034,5000); # NPC: #Aprilia_Marrow quest::signal(279040,10000); # NPC: Soulbinder_Jerlin Soulbinder quest::signal(279155,15000); # NPC: Hamisi_Lerato quest::signal(279208,20000); # NPC: #Lovine_Lemise quest::signal(279000,25000); # NPC: #Reiya_the_Pained } if($wp == 9) { quest::signalwith(279043,2,5000); # NPC: Stu_Girbnol quest::signalwith(279044,3,10000); # NPC: Haon_McClure quest::signalwith(279045,4,15000); # NPC: Devolnu_Solahpeka quest::signalwith(279046,4,20000); # NPC: Barny_Magmilg quest::signalwith(279047,2,25000); # NPC: Iawgom_Umzzig } if($wp == 27) { quest::signal(279036,5000); # NPC: #Verna_Abella quest::signal(279037,10000); # NPC: #Sophia_Florence } if($wp == 42) { quest::signal(279002,5000); # NPC: Galdorin_Visigothe } if($wp == 51) { quest::signal(279036,5000); # NPC: #Verna_Abella quest::signal(279037,10000); # NPC: #Sophia_Florence } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022