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Agent_of_The_Tribunal.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#Agent_of_The_Tribunal.pl #All Trials #Kilelen #modified by greenbean 03/23/2010 #Variable to stop them from leaving. #my $hold_them = 0; my $hold_execution = 0; my $hold_flame = 0; my $hold_hanging = 0; my $hold_lashing = 0; my $hold_stoning = 0; my $hold_torture = 0; sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text =~ /hail/i) { quest::say("Do you wish to [return]?"); } elsif($text =~ /return/i) { my $x = int($npc->GetX()); my $y = int($npc->GetY()); #Execution if (($x == 141) && ($y == -1045)) { if ($hold_execution == 0) { quest::say("Very well."); quest::movepc(201,456,825,9); # Zone: pojustice } else { quest::say("You have gotten this far, mortal, you must finish this or die trying.");#Text made up } } #Flame elsif (($x == 911) && ($y == -794)) { if ($hold_flame == 0) { quest::say("Very well."); quest::movepc(201,456,825,9); # Zone: pojustice } else { quest::say("You have gotten this far, mortal, you must finish this or die trying.");#Text made up } } #Hanging elsif (($x == 490) && ($y == -1047)) { if ($hold_hanging == 0) { quest::say("Very well."); quest::movepc(201,456,825,9); # Zone: pojustice } else { quest::say("You have gotten this far, mortal, you must finish this or die trying.");#Text made up } } #Lashing elsif (($x == 1343) && ($y == -1138)) { if ($hold_lashing == 0) { quest::say("Very well."); quest::movepc(201,456,825,9); # Zone: pojustice } else { quest::say("You have gotten this far, mortal, you must finish this or die trying.");#Text made up } } #Stoning elsif (($x == -149) && ($y == -1196)) { if ($hold_stoning == 0) { quest::say("Very well."); quest::movepc(201,456,825,9); # Zone: pojustice } else { quest::say("You have gotten this far, mortal, you must finish this or die trying.");#Text made up } } #Torture elsif (($x == 772) && ($y == -1148)) { if ($hold_torture == 0) { quest::say("Very well."); quest::movepc(201,456,825,9); # Zone: pojustice } else { quest::say("You have gotten this far, mortal, you must finish this or die trying.");#Text made up } } } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { my $x = int($npc->GetX()); my $y = int($npc->GetY()); #Trial of Execuction boss up if ($signal == 1) { $hold_execution = 1; } #Trial of Flame boss up elsif ($signal == 2) { $hold_flame = 1; } #Trial of Hanging boss up elsif ($signal == 3) { $hold_hanging = 1; } #Trial of Lashing boss up elsif ($signal == 4) { $hold_lashing = 1; } #Trial of Stoning boss up elsif ($signal == 5) { $hold_stoning = 1; } #Trial of Torture boss up elsif ($signal == 6) { $hold_torture = 1; } #Trial of Execuction boss down elsif ($signal == 11) { $hold_execution = 0; } #Trial of Flame boss down elsif ($signal == 12) { $hold_flame = 0; } #Trial of Hanging boss down elsif ($signal == 13) { $hold_hanging = 0; } #Trial of Lashing boss down elsif ($signal == 14) { $hold_lashing = 0; } #Trial of Stoning boss down elsif ($signal == 15) { $hold_stoning = 0; } #Trial of Torture boss down elsif ($signal == 16) { $hold_torture = 0; } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022