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201438.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- 201438 The Tribunal -- Trial of Torture -- -- items: 31599 local torture_flag = 0; local trial_group_id = 0; local client_id = 0; -- character ID, not entity ID local mob_list = { }; local cooldown_timer = 1800000; local eject_timer = 900000; function event_say(e) local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.self,e.other); if (qglobals["pop_poj_mavuin"] ~= nil) then if (e.message:findi("hail")) then e.self:Emote(" fixes you with a dark, peircing gaze. 'What do you want, mortal? Are you [" .. eq.say_link( "prepared", false, "prepared") .. "]?"); elseif (e.message:findi("prepared")) then e.self:Say("Very well. When you are ready, you may [" .. eq.say_link( "ready to begin the trial of torture", false, "begin the trial of torture" ) .. "]. Only when a wraith of agony dies will the prisoners feel any relief. Take care to find and kill it quickly, lest their torment overcome them. We shall judge the mark of your success."); elseif (e.message:findi("ready to begin the trial of torture")) then if ( torture_flag == 0 ) then e.self:Say("Then begin."); -- Move the Player and their Group tot he trial room. local trial_group = e.other:GetGroup(); if (trial_group ~= nil and trial_group.valid) then MoveGroup( trial_group, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), 75, 729, -1119, 88, 64); trial_group_id = trial_group:GetID(); else client_id = e.other:CharacterID(); e.other:MovePC(201, 729, -1119, 88, 128); -- Zone: pojustice end -- Spawn the Controller eq.spawn2(201450, 0, 0, 878, -1128, 58, 360); -- NPC: #Event_Torture_Control -- Set the Proximity Check Timer; if everyone has left the trial (wipe); then reset things eq.set_timer("proximitycheck", 60000); -- Set a variable to indicate the Trial is unavailable. torture_flag = 1; else e.self:Say("I'm sorry, the Trial of Torture is currently unavilable to you."); end elseif (e.message:findi("what evidence of mavuin") ) then if ( e.other:HasItem(31844) ) then eq.set_global("pop_poj_tribunal", "1", 5, "F"); eq.set_global("pop_poj_torture", "1", 5, "F"); e.other:Message(4, "You receive a character flag!"); end elseif (e.message:findi("i seek knowledge") ) then local marks = { 31796, 31842, 31844, 31845, 31846 , 31960 } local has_six = 1; for k,v in pairs(marks) do if (not e.other:HasItem(v)) then has_six = 0; end end if (has_six == 1) then if (not e.other:HasItem(31599)) then -- give 31599 to e.other e.other:SummonItem(31599); -- Item: The Mark of Justice end elseif (has_six == 0) then e.self:Say("You have done well, mortal, but there are more trials yet for you to complete."); end end end end function event_timer(e) if (e.timer == "ejecttimer") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); despawn_trial_mobs() local trial_group = eq.get_entity_list():GetGroupByID(trial_group_id); if (trial_group ~= nil and trial_group.valid) then MoveGroup( trial_group, 772, -1148, 76, 175, 456, 825, 9, 180, "A mysterious force translocates you."); else local client_e = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientByCharID(client_id); if (client_e ~= nil and client_e.valid) then client_e.other:MovePC( 201, 456, 825, 9, 360 ); -- Zone: pojustice client_e.other:Message(3, "A mysterious force translocates you."); end end HandleCorpses(772, -1148, 76, 175); eq.stop_timer("proximitycheck"); elseif (e.timer == "cooldown") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); torture_flag = 0; client_id = 0; trial_group_id = 0; despawn_trial_mobs(); eq.stop_timer("proximitycheck"); e.self:Shout("The Trial of Torture is now Available."); elseif (e.timer == "proximitycheck") then -- The proximitycheck timer is primarily for when a trial has failed -- This check will allow the trial to be re-attempted as soon as -- everyone has left the trial room (or they are kicked out after -- 15minutes by the ejecttimer). -- Check to see if all the PCs have left the Trial area; if so -- Clean Corpses up and release thoe hold and stop the timer. if ( ProximityCheck(772, -1148, 76, 175) == false) then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); eq.set_timer("ejecttimer", 100); eq.set_timer("cooldown", 200); end end end function event_signal(e) -- if (e.signal == 0) then elseif (e.signal == 1) then -- Trial was successful -- 30min till next Trial can start -- 15min Eject Timer to kick any PC out of the Trial Room eq.set_timer("ejecttimer", eject_timer); eq.set_timer("cooldown" , cooldown_timer); eq.stop_timer("proximitycheck"); elseif (e.signal == 2) then -- Trial Failed eq.set_timer("ejecttimer", eject_timer); eq.set_timer("cooldown" , eject_timer); eq.set_timer("proximitycheck", 10000); end end function MoveGroup(trial_group, src_x, src_y, src_z, distance, tgt_x, tgt_y, tgt_z, tgt_h, msg) if ( trial_group ~= nil) then local trial_count = trial_group:GroupCount(); for i = 0, trial_count - 1, 1 do local mob_v = trial_group:GetMember(i); if (mob_v ~= nil and mob_v.valid and mob_v:IsClient()) then local client_v = mob_v:CastToClient(); if (client_v.valid) then -- check the distance and port them up if close enough if (client_v:CalculateDistance(src_x, src_y, src_z) <= distance) then -- port the player up client_v:MovePC(201, tgt_x, tgt_y, tgt_z, tgt_h); -- Zone: pojustice if (msg) then client_v:Message(3, msg); end end end end end end end function HandleCorpses(src_x, src_y, src_z, dist) -- Move Player Corpses from the Trial Area to the Grave Yard local clist = eq.get_entity_list():GetCorpseList(); if ( clist ~= nil ) then for corpse in clist.entries do if ( corpse:IsPlayerCorpse() ) then if (corpse:CalculateDistance(src_x, src_y, src_z) < dist) then corpse:GMMove(58, -47, 2); end elseif ( corpse:IsNPCCorpse() ) then if (corpse:CalculateDistance(src_x, src_y, src_z) < dist) then corpse:Delete(); end end end end end function ProximityCheck(chk_x, chk_y, chk_z, dist) local players_in_prox = false; local clist = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList(); if ( clist ~= nil ) then for client in clist.entries do if (client:CalculateDistance(chk_x, chk_y, chk_z) < dist) then players_in_prox = true; end end end return players_in_prox; end function despawn_trial_mobs() local trial_mobs = { 201450, 201452, 201455, 201475, 201476, 201477, 201478, 201479, 201480, 201481, 201482, 201483, 201484, 201485, 201486, 201487, 201488, 201489, 201490, 201491, 201492}; for k,v in pairs(trial_mobs) do eq.depop_all(v); end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022