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201435.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#201435.pl #Trial of Lashing # items: 31842, 31796, 31960, 31845, 31844, 31846 sub EVENT_SAY { if(defined $qglobals{pop_poj_mavuin}) { if($text=~/Hail/i) { quest::emote(" fixes you with a dark, peircing gaze. 'What do you want, mortal? Are you [prepared]?"); } elsif($text=~/prepared/i) { quest::say("Very well. When you are ready, you may begin the trial of lashing. You must protect the victims from their tormentors. Be wary of the scourge of honor - you cannot fight it directly. You must find and destroy its life force to defeat it. We shall judge the mark of your success."); } elsif($text=~/begin the trial of lashing/i) { if (!defined $lashing) { quest::say("Then begin."); #Cast Penance of the Whip $npc->CastSpell(1125, $userid); # Spell: Penance of the Whip quest::settimer(401,30); #quest::signal(201076,15000); $lashing=1; } else { if (($lashing > 0) && ($lashing < 6)) { $npc->CastSpell(1125, $userid); # Spell: Penance of the Whip quest::say("Then begin."); $lashing++; } else { quest::say("I'm sorry, the Trial of Lashing is currently unavilable to you."); } } } elsif($text=~/what evidence of Mavuin/i) { if(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 31842)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_execution", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 31796)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_flame", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 31960)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_lashing", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 31845)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_stoning", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 31844)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_torture", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); } elsif(plugin::check_hasitem($client, 31846)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_hanging", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); } } } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if($timer == 400) { $lashing=undef; quest::stoptimer(400); quest::signalwith(201078,4,5); # NPC: The_Tribunal Execution Trial } elsif($timer == 401) { $lashing=6; quest::stoptimer(401); quest::settimer(400, 1200); } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if ($signal == 0) { quest::shout("The Trial of Lashing is now available."); #notify once timer expires OR FAIL. (~25 minutes) $lashing=undef; quest::signal(201435); quest::stoptimer(400); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(defined $qglobals{pop_poj_mavuin}) { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 31842 => 1)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_execution", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); quest::summonitem(31842); # Item: Mark of Execution } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 31796 => 1)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_flame", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); quest::summonitem(31796); # Item: Mark of Flame } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 31960 => 1)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_lashing", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); quest::summonitem(31960); # Item: Mark of Lashing } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 31845 => 1)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_stoning", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); quest::summonitem(31845); # Item: Mark of Stone } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 31844 => 1)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_torture", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); quest::summonitem(31844); # Item: Mark of Torture } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 31846 => 1)) { $client->Message(4,"You have completed a trial - impressive for mortals. You can tell Mavuin that we will hear his plea. We will seek him out as time befits us."); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_tribunal", 1, 5, "F"); quest::setglobal("pop_poj_hanging", 1, 5, "F"); $client->Message(4,"You receive a character flag!"); quest::summonitem(31846); # Item: Mark of Suffocation } } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022